Ep. 89 || Trillia Newbell: Helping Our Kids Celebrate God’s Beautifully Diverse Design
Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea to our children, exposing them to different people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture — affirming that all people are made in the image of God and deserve to be loved as such.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Enjoy: Finding the Freedom to Delight Daily in God's Good Gifts - Trillia Newbell
God's Very Good Idea: A True Story of God's Delightfully Different Family - Trillia Newbell
United: Captured by God's Vision for Diversity - Trillia Newbell
Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves - Trillia Newbell
United? We Pray Podcast - Isaac Adams & Trillia Newbell
"Celebrating Diversity in Our Homes" - Trillia Newbell, Desiring God
"Helping Our Kids to Celebrate God's Beautiful, Diverse Creation" - Trillia Newbell, RM Blog
"Do You Talk to Your Children About Race?" - Trillia Newbell, Desiring God
"How to Teach Your Kids About the Nations" - Trillia Newbell, Desiring God
"Talking to Children About Race" - Thabiti Anyabwile, The Gospel Coalition
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R|M Apply Questions:
People are diverse in a number of ways. We have different hair and skin colors, we speak different languages, we have different cultural practices, and we come in all shapes and sizes. While we often filter God’s good design for diversity through the lens of politics or personal bias, children notice differences with innocent curiosity. In those instances, we have a chance to share about God’s good design as he created people differently, and noting the way the gospel equalizes us in our need for Jesus. Someday, we can all look forward to worshiping Jesus alongside brothers and sisters in Christ from every tribe, tongue, and nation — the beauty of diversity glorifying God forever.
Has your child ever asked an embarrassing question about someone’s differences? Was their heart asking in curiosity or unkindness? How did you respond and how could you have redirected that conversation towards God’s good design?
When it comes to diversity, what messages are you sending your children in the home? Do they see you interacting with others of all different cultures, skin colors, and backgrounds with the love of Christ? Can they talk openly with you about their questions?
If you are in a situation where it’s difficult to expose your children to diversity in real life, what practical ways could you help your children see the reality of God’s “big” church across the globe?
What is something you will pray for yourself and your family as you consider the beauty of diversity in God’s kingdom? How can you bring your children alongside you in this?
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