Ep. 135 || The Husbands Weigh In: How Does the Gospel Shape Marriage in the Little Years?
Why does marriage feel so hard in the little years? After pouring your energy and brain power out for your kiddos, it’s easy to offer your spouse the leftovers. In this episode, Emily and Laura invite some very special guests on the show to talk about marriage with little ones: their husbands, Brad Jensen and Mike Wifler! Dates may look different, conversations may constantly be interrupted, and serving one another may look mundane, but the gospel can breathe new life into marriage. The gospel story reminds us of God’s faithfulness as he works in our hearts—and the joy of partnering with others in the process.
Ep. 134 || Moms in Process
The show is back! After a summer break, we’re kicking off the season by flipping the microphone and putting Emily and Laura in the interviewee seats to discuss being women in process. In Christ we’re growing, but we’re not perfect yet. So while we truly want to obey God, we still put our hope in other things. But even in the tension, Christ offers all we need as we learn to live lives of faithful obedience. No matter where we are in the process, the gospel meets us there.
Ep. 99 || Foster Care & the Gospel: An Interview with Andrew and Chrissy Wolgemuth
God’s heart is for the broken, wounded, and forgotten. So what does that mean for how we care for the vulnerable children in our midst? One way is by opening your home to care for a child for a season. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss the gospel’s impact on foster care with foster parents, Andrew and Chrissy Wolgemuth. While living out the gospel can be costly—requiring our time, resources, and hearts—God’s grace is sufficient in every circumstance for every family—whether we’re fostering or supporting those who are.
Ep. 96 || Freedom in Education Choices: An Interview with Jen Wilkin on Public Schooling, Part 4
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel— in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jen Wilkin, a wife, mom, author, and Bible teacher, on her family’s decision to educate their children through the public school system. We all have unique situations when it comes to schooling, but our ultimate consideration is how to honor Christ as we care for our families (and our communities) in the decision making process.
Ep. 95 || Irene Sun on Homeschool: Freedom in Education Choices, Part 3
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk to Irene Sun, a pastor’s wife, mom, and author, about her experience as a mom who homeschools. Because our identities are found in Christ alone, we have nothing to prove to ourselves or anyone else. This should cause us all to breathe a sigh of relief. The lives of our children are safe in the hands of God.
Ep. 94 || Freedom in Education Choices: An Interview with Melissa Kruger on Private Schooling, Part 2
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel— in our education methods. In this episode, Laura and Emily interview Melissa Kruger, a wife, mom, and writer, on her family’s decision to educate their children through the private system. No matter where we school our children, our responsibility remains to create a gospel-culture in our homes and to trust God’s good work in our children’s lives. School is important, but we are the biggest influencers in our children’s education.
Ep. 89 || Trillia Newbell: Helping Our Kids Celebrate God’s Beautifully Diverse Design
Kids say the darndest things sometimes, don’t they? Maybe it’s a comment about someone’s hair while you’re in line at the grocery store or they ask a question about someone’s dialect when you have a neighbor over for dinner, but no matter where it happens, it’s normal for children to show curiosity about God’s diverse design. In this episode, Trillia Newbell joins Emily and Laura to share practical ways we can explain God’s very good idea to our children, exposing them to different people with joy and transparency. The gospel speaks a better word than our culture — affirming that all people are made in the image of God and deserve to be loved as such.
Ep. 83 || Nikki Daniels: Finding Freedom in Christ as a Working Mom
All moms are working moms. We’ve each been called by God to love our families, train up our children, and use our gifts and abilities to glorify him in our unique situations. For some moms, this means they work exclusively in the home. For other moms, this means they work in and out of the home. In this episode, Nikki Daniels, wife, mom of three, and Assistant Headmaster of Advancement at Monte Vista Christian School, reminds us that God values us in every role he calls us to. No matter where we spend our days, our call is to be faithful with what he’s given us. The gospel will always meet a mom where she’s at and offer her the sweet freedom of a woman – not just a mom – rooted in Christ.
Ep. 79 || She Reads Truth: God’s Word Everyday, in Every Season
In the years of little ones, it seems almost impossible to carve out a quiet moment to read our Bibles and pray intentionally. Most moms want to be in the word amidst the busyness, but we just need a little help. This is why founders, Raechel and Amanda, started She Reads Truth – to see women get in the word of God everyday. In this episode, Raechel and Amanda, wives, mothers, and authors, discuss how women need to be rooted in God’s word, taking the first step by just getting started. By changing our expectations of “quiet times” and studying with other women, we can find the refreshing hope of the gospel in the Bible that has relevant application in each season of life.
Ep. 76 || Sally Clarkson: Nourishing & Training Up Your Children at the Table
The idea of eating around the table with little ones may bring to mind little tea cups in front of stuffed animal friends or fidgeting children and food-covered floors. No matter what mealtimes look like in our homes, each meal is a chance to share how God’s love impacts our children’s lives. In this episode, Sally Clarkson, wife, mother of four, and prolific author, offers her wealth of experience and insight on sharing Christ with your children around the family table. By making our times at the table something special and an opportunity for training, moms can tackle the hard work of sharing gospel truths in a natural way within the daily rhythm of mealtimes.
Ep. 73 || Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children
In the little years, it’s easy to grow weary from sowing seeds without seeing much fruit. When the discouragement bears down, we wonder, “Does this even matter? Would another investment be more worthwhile?” In this episode, Ruth Chou Simons, author, artist and founder of Gracelaced, pours out gospel-rich wisdom from her years of parenting six boys. She discusses how she manages her dreams and motherhood, how she keeps her priorities straight with a blooming business, and offers practical wisdom for a busy mom to grow in her relationship with God. Through years of humble faithfulness, a mom can hope in Christ, even when she can’t see the outcome of her story.
Ep. 68 || How Can Mom Support Dad Spiritually?: An Interview With Jerrad Lopes
Moms celebrate Father’s Day with a variety of feelings. Some are incredibly grateful for their husband’s leadership, hands-on help, sacrificial love, and wisdom with child-rearing. But others feel the pain of disappointment, and aren’t sure how to reconcile their expectations with their reality. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jerrad Lopes, host of the weekly DadTired podcast and founder of the non-profit ministry, aimed at pointing men to Jesus. Jerrad tackles some of the most frequently-asked-questions Risen Motherhood receives about supporting husbands spiritually, with “from his perspective” insights and practical ideas. Because of Christ’s example, moms are free to love and support Dad, right where he’s at.
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