Ep. 99 || Foster Care & the Gospel: An Interview with Andrew and Chrissy Wolgemuth
God’s heart is for the broken, wounded, and forgotten. So what does that mean for how we care for the vulnerable children in our midst? One way is by opening your home to care for a child for a season. In this episode, Laura and Emily discuss the gospel’s impact on foster care with foster parents, Andrew and Chrissy Wolgemuth. While living out the gospel can be costly—requiring our time, resources, and hearts—God’s grace is sufficient in every circumstance for every family—whether we’re fostering or supporting those who are.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Project 1.27—A bridge between the church and kids who need fostering
Adopted for Life - Russell Moore
“Race and the Family: Marriage, Fatherlessness, Adoption, Foster Care” - MLK50 Panel
“Fighting for Faith in a Fostering Family” - T.J. and Jenn Menn
“Foster Children Need the Church” - Brittany Lind
“Being a Pro-Life Church is Messier Than You Think” - Daniel Darling
“How to Address America’s Foster Care Crisis? It Takes a Village” - Kelly Rosati
“Foster Care as the Way of Christ” - Darren Carlson
“Don’t Adopt!” - Russell Moore
Dad Craft - Andrew Wolgemuth's Blog
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R|M Apply Questions:
Scripture reveals that God cares about the vulnerable in society, which means we should care too. This doesn’t mean that every family is called to be on the front lines by fostering or adopting a child, but it does mean that as a church body we can support the families that do. How does the gospel impact foster care and how we care for the families fostering? Let’s discuss!
The promise of God is to restore all things through Christ, which means the gospel impacts every aspect of life—including systems. When we think of fostering a child, we often focus on loving the kid in need, but what does it look like to love the family of the child? How does the forgiveness and hope of the gospel shape how you interact with the other people in the process (parents, social workers, judges, etc.)?
Every human is made in the image of God. This is true of the mom who loses her child because of bad decisions, the child with emotional scars who stands on your doorstep, and the members of your family who may struggle loving a stranger in their home. What does it mean for someone to be an image bearer? How do we treat one another based on this identity?
The gospel is costly, because grace is costly. The foster care system is about reuniting a child with his or her biological family; it’s not about the foster family but it requires a great deal from them. As a friends and neighbor, how could you offer support and love to a family fostering a child? What are some practical things you could offer them?
God’s grace is sufficient for all situations, and his power is made perfect in our weakness. If you’re considering fostering, how does this truth encourage you? If you know someone who is fostering, how can you share this encouraging message with that family?
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