Ep. 62 || When Your Husband Works Long Hours
When Dad has to work late (again) and mom feels like she's soldiering on with the children, is there a gracious response to give? Although the long days might leave a wife stuck in cycles of comparison with other families and even anger, God hasn't left her without hope and help. In this episode, Emily interviews Laura, who shares a bit of her experience as a mom whose husband works long hours. Whether your own husband just misses the occasional dinner, or travels for months at time, you're not going to want to miss the wisdom she shares! The gospel turns "fairness" on it's head, and offers wives a better way forward - where her husband (or his job) isn't the enemy, and all her needs are met in Christ.
Ep. 38 || Friendship & Motherhood
Do you feel like maintaining good friendships is harder than ever in the season of young children? We have so much on our plates, it often feels impossible to steal away precious moments to reconnect with others. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their personal challenges when it comes to maintaining friendships. They also explore the importance of staying connected to other women in the season of motherhood, as well as strategies for gospel-minded friendship. God doesn't intend for us to do life alone, but with the rich gift of other women beside us. It's hard, but possible in every season with wisdom and intentionality!
Ep. 10 || When You Feel Alone
In motherhood, our sin separates us from each other, making us think that our "hard moments" are something no one else can understand. But is that the whole truth? Is there hope? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the common feelings of isolation we experience as moms, how we attend our own pity-parties, and how to break free from the nagging feeling that you're "alone."
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