Ep. 38 || Friendship & Motherhood
Do you feel like maintaining good friendships is harder than ever in the season of young children? We have so much on our plates, it often feels impossible to steal away precious moments to reconnect with others. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their personal challenges when it comes to maintaining friendships. They also explore the importance of staying connected to other women in the season of motherhood, as well as strategies for gospel-minded friendship. God doesn't intend for us to do life alone, but with the rich gift of other women beside us. It's hard, but possible in every season with wisdom and intentionality!
Helpful Articles & Resources:
Messy Beautiful Friendship: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships by Christine Hoover
Find a Friend to Wound You - Greg Morse
6 Costs of Real Friendship - Jen Thorne
The Gospel & Friendships - Aaron Menikoff
The Gift of Friendship - Kevin DeYoung
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