Ep. 161 || Work and Motherhood: Finding God’s Faithfulness
All moms have important work to do—work in the home, the community, and the church. But income-producing work can bring unique challenges. So, in this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share about what they’ve learned as they balance work and motherhood, seeking to honor God and serve faithfully in every sphere of life. No matter what kinds of work we do, we can reflect the image of God who is always at work in the world and in our lives.
Ep. 150 || Pay Your Dues Now: Living for Another Life
Most of us have heard it. Some of us have said it. There’s a common encouragement to moms of littles that if we “pay our dues now” or if we’re “faithful in the small things” then there will be bigger things coming later as our unseen sacrifices give way to visible fruit. In this episode, Emily and Laura unpack this idea, helping us see that while it comes from a very right desire to encourage faithfulness in following Christ, it may lead us to wrong expectations. Rather than serving the Lord looking ahead to “better” things he might give us later, we can be content in serving him now, because he has already given us the best thing in his Son.
Ep. 124 || Traveling With Kids: The Adventure You Didn’t Hope For
It’s vacation time! We can see ourselves sleeping in, sipping hot coffee, and diving into a good book. But it’s more likely someone will get sick, the traffic will be terrible, and the diaper bag will be left at the house. In this episode, Emily and Laura offer a “Mom Heart Check” to help find the root of difficulty in family trips. When we travel, it’s not about being served but about serving others. We can prep our hearts before, during, and after a trip by rethinking our expectations and remembering the servant love of Christ.
Ep. 106 || Seeing & Serving the Vulnerable Mom
Tired, overwhelmed, hurting, and lonely. Every mom struggles in different ways, but there are some moms whose experiences make them vulnerable in society. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel changes us at the heart level so we can see and serve others with humility. Our challenges are different, but our common dependence on Christ encourages us as we love the vulnerable women in our communities.
Ep. 62 || When Your Husband Works Long Hours
When Dad has to work late (again) and mom feels like she's soldiering on with the children, is there a gracious response to give? Although the long days might leave a wife stuck in cycles of comparison with other families and even anger, God hasn't left her without hope and help. In this episode, Emily interviews Laura, who shares a bit of her experience as a mom whose husband works long hours. Whether your own husband just misses the occasional dinner, or travels for months at time, you're not going to want to miss the wisdom she shares! The gospel turns "fairness" on it's head, and offers wives a better way forward - where her husband (or his job) isn't the enemy, and all her needs are met in Christ.
Ep. 43 || Serving Others Right Where You're At
Most of us are guilty of being so caught up in our own lives, that we forget to care for the needs of others. We avoid big things like "evangelism" and "ministry" because those are for women with more time and lofty giftings. We think that serving others is going to be too burdensome or too inconvenient. But have we forgotten to just be faithful in the small opportunities God has placed right in front of us? In this episode, Emily and Laura break down the concept of ministry, making it accessible for moms. They discuss how important it is to model a life of serving for our children, and how that doesn't have to mean being a women's ministry director or a street evangelist. Momma, have you looked outside yourself lately and considered that Jesus wants your full participation in the great commission?
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