Ep. 156 || When Motherhood Feels Lonely: Nurturing Friendship in Motherhood
On one hand, we may feel like we’re never alone as moms—even going to the bathroom often becomes a family activity! On the other hand, motherhood can feel lonely and isolating. Caring for our families often leaves little time and energy for nurturing our friendships. But we’re not meant to live in isolation—we need friends who point us to Christ and encourage us in our mission! In this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share their thoughts on navigating friendship in the busyness of motherhood. Though we may need to adjust our expectations and find creative ways to connect, we can still have meaningful friendships in the midst of motherhood.
Ladies on this Show:
[2:27] Hunter Beless believes God has called her to seek after those whom he has awakened to guide them back to their Heavenly Father. She exercises this God-given design through her roles as a wife, mama, and podcast host. Though they stumble often, she and her husband, Brooks, strive to display God's covenant-keeping love through their marriage and oneness. They have three children and love journeying through life together for the glory of God.
[5:05] Jennie Allen is a Bible teacher, author, and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering. A passionate leader following God’s call on her life to catalyze this generation to live what they believe, Jennie is the author of Restless, Anything, and her most recent book, Get Out of Your Head. Her Bible studies include Stuck, Chase, Restless, and Proven. Jennie has a master's in biblical studies from Dallas Theological Seminary and lives in Dallas, Texas, with her husband and teammate, Zac, and their four children, Conner, Kate, Caroline, and Cooper. Read more about Jennie here.
[7:45] Laura Hardin and her husband, Adam, reside in Landover, MD with their three little ones, Oscar, Laurielle, and Julia. She enjoys writing for her personal blog, where she encourages women to abide in Christ by committing themselves to the word of God, prayer, and fellowship one day at a time. Find her on Instagram or Facebook.
[10:55] Kelly Needham is married to singer/songwriter and speaker Jimmy Needham. She first began writing and speaking to his fan base in 2008 as they traveled together and has since garnered a much wider platform. Kelly is the author of Friendish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion and is a regular contributor for Revive Our Hearts. Her writing has also been featured at Desiring God, The Gospel Coalition, The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission, Eternal Perspectives Ministries, and Crosswalk. She has been on staff at two different churches, serving in youth, college, and women's ministry. Whether writing or speaking, Kelly’s aim is to convince as many people as possible that nothing compares to knowing Jesus. She and Jimmy live in the Dallas area with their three children, Lively, Sophia, and Benjamin. You can find more of her writing and speaking at kellyneedham.com or follow her on social media.
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 122, Building Friendships with Women in Different Seasons: An Interview with Elizabeth Woodson
Ep. 65, Finding Your Tribe: Momma, Who is Your Primary Community?
Around the web:
Friend-ish: Reclaiming Real Friendship in a Culture of Confusion Kelly Needham
Messy Beautiful Friendship: Finding and Nurturing Deep and Lasting Relationships Christine Hoover
United: The Beauty of Diversity in Friendship, Trillia Newbell
“4 Ways Your Faith Should Shape Your Friendships” Kelly Needham
“You Won’t Make it Alone: Five Reasons You Need Good Friends” Drew Hunter
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Get Jen Oshman's new book, Enough about Me: Finding Lasting Joy in the Age of Self, 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through April 10, 2020.
R|M Apply Questions:
How has motherhood impacted your friendships positively and/or negatively?
Hunter Beless talked about kindred-hearted friendships that are based on our shared need for a Savior rather than having lots of interests and preferences in common. How have you seen the gospel unite you with others in friendship? Or, how could you cultivate kindred-hearted friendships with sisters in Christ?
Jennie Allen encouraged us to be proactive in prioritizing friendship. What is a practical step you could take to prioritize friendship this week?
As Laura Hardin shared, our own willingness to share vulnerably and ask probing questions can have a big impact on our friendships, opening the door for others to encourage us and pray for us. What’s something you might need to share with a friend and ask her to pray for? Who’s a friend that you could encourage by asking, “How can I pray for you?” or “How’s that going for you?”
In what ways might you be looking to your friends for things that only God can give? How might Kelly Neeham’s encouragement that “it’s friendship with Christ that gives us significance” help you to have a healthy view of friendship?
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