BONUS: Where Were We When…
You know that simple, encouraging text that comes through at just the right time, or that run-in with a dear friend that lifts your spirits, even if you only had five minutes to chat? That’s what we hope this episode is for you today, mom. If you’re feeling worn down, exhausted (that’s all of us, right?), or wondering if God is working where he’s placed you right now, we hope these entries from Emily and Laura’s newest book, “A Million Tiny Moments,” remind you that God‘s working in your everyday moments—even when it doesn’t feel like it. (Psst! They also share some fun behind-the-scenes about their seasons of life when they wrote these! You don’t want to miss this one.)
Need encouragement that what you’re doing matters?
Do you find yourself wondering what all the work of motherhood is for? Or living for naptime, family vacations, or becoming an empty-nester? As moms, it can be easy to wish away one season for another, but God has given and ordained every moment in motherhood for your good and his glory. If you need the reminder that the work you’re doing is important and valuable, then A Million Tiny Moments: Reflections to Refresh a Mom’s Spirit was written just for you.
Releasing March 4, 2025, this book operates like a reference book with short, instant encouragement for every season.
R|M Apply Questions:
Which of these entries resonated with you the most, and why do you think that is? Consider journaling through or sharing with a friend what’s heavy on your heart these days, and how the Lord may be working in it.
In the show, Emily talks about the value of small, everyday investments with her kids during the little years—while it was hard to see then, she sees now how these really were making a difference for her kids. How does this change your perspective in the mundane moments of motherhood?
Pull out pen and paper (or the Notes app on your phone!) and write down a few of the ways you see God working today. (Psst! You don’t have to be a writer to do this… this is solely meant to draw your eyes and heart to the Lord’s work in your life!)
Read Psalm 23:3. Pray that the Lord will remind you that in every season, he restores our soul—ask him to help you see this today, even when you feel worn down.
Celebrate the final days of R|M with us!
ICYMI, Risen Motherhood is closing its doors in April 2025. Before we do, we'd love for you to join us for a celebration of all God has done through this ministry. Click here for all the info on how to snag a ticket for our live simulcast!
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