Ep. 49 || When Momma Gets Mad, Part 1: What's Under the Surface?
Frustration, impatience, losing our cool, having a bad day, feeling overwhelmed; we all have different ways of describing an angry heart-attitude towards our children. Although we know what it looks like when we lose self-control (and we're experts at feeling guilty about it), we rarely stop to think about why we're so upset in the first place. In this episode, Emily and Laura share their personal struggles with anger and impatience, and discuss how the good news of the gospel is transforming their hearts. At the end of the day, we are not God and we don't deserve any of the kindness he's shown to us in Christ. Shouldn't we remember that, rejoice in it, and extend that same grace to our children?
Ep. 48 || Gretchen Saffles: Looking to Christ in Work & Motherhood
When it comes to balancing various roles, Gretchen Saffles has experience with many on her plate! She's a wife, a mom, an entrepreneur, and an owner of a growing business. In this episode, she shares her journey into life as a working mom, some of the challenges she's faced along the way, and how she's learning to rest in Christ through it all. Gretchen speaks to moms who wonder how they can possibly accomplish all that God has called them to do, encouraging them to pray, "Jesus, be in me all that I cannot be."
Ep. 47 || Facing the Cold & Flu Season With Grace
As winter presses on, so do the fevers, empty kleenex boxes, and doctor's office visits. When an illness means so much stress on the whole family, how can mom avoid bitterness, trust God and walk with grace? In this episode, Emily and Laura sympathize with the exhausting aspects of cold and flu season, while also sharing ideas about how the gospel transforms our perspective on common winter illnesses. Regardless of whether our little one has an ear infection or a bad cough, God calls us to the radical response of giving thanks for His goodness in all things.
Ep. 46 || Intentional Motherhood: Communicating Your Family's Mission
So maybe YOU know your mission is to point your kids to Jesus, but do they? Just as God gave clear, overarching missional statements to his children, we can provide direction through the intentional act of writing a mission statement for those in our care. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the why (and how) of writing a family mission statement with your husband. Even if all you do is take time to get on the same page with your spouse, determining your family's ultimate mission helps you stay focused on what really matters in your mothering.
Ep. 45 || Welcome Back!
Even with the best intentions, we're all prone to distraction and busyness, tempting us away from time with the Lord. In 2017, it's the heartbeat of Risen Motherhood to not only discuss how to apply the gospel to everyday situations, but to encourage moms to spend more time learning the word of God. In this episode, Emily and Laura give some personal updates and set the course for another year of new podcast episodes. We're so grateful for your support, and look forward to walking this journey together in an amazing community of moms who long to glorify God!
Ep. 44 || Raising More Than Just "Good" Kids
The world tells us to prepare our children to be athletes, successful business people, and helpful citizens; but as Christian moms, we aim for something eternally important. Our goal isn't just to have "good" kids, but to have children that know and love Jesus. We want to help our children not just do what's right on the outside, but to think through honoring God from a right heart. How can we do this well? In this episode, Emily and Laura close out the year with a reminder about our most important mission as moms. Let's finish 2016 well mamas, and go into 2017 with hearts that long to pour rich biblical truth into our children!
Ep. 43 || Serving Others Right Where You're At
Most of us are guilty of being so caught up in our own lives, that we forget to care for the needs of others. We avoid big things like "evangelism" and "ministry" because those are for women with more time and lofty giftings. We think that serving others is going to be too burdensome or too inconvenient. But have we forgotten to just be faithful in the small opportunities God has placed right in front of us? In this episode, Emily and Laura break down the concept of ministry, making it accessible for moms. They discuss how important it is to model a life of serving for our children, and how that doesn't have to mean being a women's ministry director or a street evangelist. Momma, have you looked outside yourself lately and considered that Jesus wants your full participation in the great commission?
Ep. 42 || Making Christmas Traditions Matter
Someone important has already come, and is coming again. Have you told your children? Despite the busyness and the expectations around us, Advent is a perfect time to rest the hearts of our family on the Savior. But how exactly can we do that with small children or less-than-ideal-circumstances? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the opportunity we have to point our children to Jesus during Advent. They also share practical ideas for engaging children in the Christmas story, and encourage moms who feel like they can't live up to the Pinterest-perfect standards. Ultimately, it's the most wonderful time of the year, not because of the presents or the decorations, but because of a person.
Ep. 41 || Adoption & The Gospel
Adoption should matter to every believer, because every believer is adopted. In this episode, Laura shares a bit about her family's journey to adopt two children from Bulgaria and why they were motivated by the beautiful picture it paints of the gospel. Even if you don't personally plan to adopt, this episode is for you too! All believers need to love orphans, supporting those on the front lines of this calling. We hope this episode plants seeds, waters seeds that God has already planted, and reminds you of the great love God displays for us through adoption!
Ep. 40 || To-Do Lists & How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood
Have you ever felt unequipped for the practical responsibilities of motherhood? You're not alone! Most moms have feelings of confusion and insecurity when it comes to handling the in's and out's of diapering, discipline, and domestic management. In this scenario, most of us will be tempted to avoid the uncomfortable, place blame on our personalities, or put our hope in a "silver bullet" strategy for motherhood. Is there another way? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own insecurities coming into motherhood, and the ways they've grown as moms despite those challenges. Regardless of how well you were equipped for motherhood, God still calls you to trust Jesus and nurture the lives of those around you with joy and effectiveness.
Ep. 39 || Infertility, Miscarriage & Motherhood with Courtney Reissig
Despite the sorrows of multiple miscarriages and a two year season of infertility, Courtney Reissig still has faith in God's goodness. An author and speaker, Courtney shares her journey in this interview, discussing the way she found solace in scripture, and she recounts the many blessed but barren women God used throughout redemptive history. If you are in a season of suffering, waiting, or even just enduring life's daily hardships, this episode will be a blessing to you. Courtney's encouraging perspective of God's good plans is a humbling reminder that our loving father is in control of all things.
Ep. 38 || Friendship & Motherhood
Do you feel like maintaining good friendships is harder than ever in the season of young children? We have so much on our plates, it often feels impossible to steal away precious moments to reconnect with others. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their personal challenges when it comes to maintaining friendships. They also explore the importance of staying connected to other women in the season of motherhood, as well as strategies for gospel-minded friendship. God doesn't intend for us to do life alone, but with the rich gift of other women beside us. It's hard, but possible in every season with wisdom and intentionality!
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