Ep. 18 || Freedom To Be The Mother God Created You To Be: Why Comparison Doesn't Work
As moms, we love practical help. Tips, checklists, and "how-to" articles seem to promise that we're finally going to get something right. But when we bypass dependence on God and decide to just model our lives after the mom down the street, we've missed the point. We weren't created to reflect each other, but to reflect Christ in ways that are unique to the skills, abilities and life circumstances he's given us. In this episode, Emily and Laura encourage moms to understand how the gospel frees us from adopting one style of "perfect" mothering. God wants our whole lives to be a living sacrifice, so we can be free to glorify him in all we do (even when that looks different from our friends).
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
7 Ways to Combat Competition in Motherhood - Melissa Kruger for TGC
Am I a Good Mom? - Christine Hoover for True Woman
Don't Turn Motherhood Into an Idol - David Prince for the ERLC
Mom Enough - free EBook (various authors)
Will I Ever Fit in? - Podcast / Post by Sally Clarkson
Convictions & Choices: Don't do it because "they" do - Jess Connell
Convictions & Choices: What to do when we hold opposite perspectives - Jess Connell
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