Ep. 120 || When Mom & Dad Can’t Make Date Night Happen
Regular date nights are a joy. We love getting out of the house and away from the kids! But does a flourishing God-honoring marriage require this regular habit? If you and your husband are in an overwhelming season and you’re not “succeeding” at date night, this one’s for you. In this episode, Emily and Laura dig into a different perspective on the “modern date night.” Instead of putting our hope in a single night out with our husbands, God teaches us to cherish and serve one another daily. Date nights aren’t a guarantee, but God’s covenant-keeping grace is, and he can sustain our marriage, even when we don’t get a date night.
Mentioned on the Show:
Ep. 109, Ask Us Anything!: Fall 2018 Edition - Risen Motherhood
Hunter Beless on Instagram
Hudson Taylor: Gospel Pioneer to China - Vance Christie *Laura’s book recommendation
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Related Articles, Resources, and Content:
“Don’t Put Your Hope in Date Night” Emily Jensen & Laura Wifler, TGC - Featured article written in conjunction with this week’s show
Ep. 05, Marriage & Motherhood - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 35, Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More Than the Leftovers - Risen Motherhood
Ep. 62, When Your Husband Works Long Hours - Risen Motherhood
“Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy” - Laura Hardin, Risen Motherhood
“Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents” - Quina Aragon, Risen Motherhood
“Tell Your Husband You Love Him” - Laura Wifler, Risen Motherhood
“Practical Ways to Love Your Husband Who Works Long Hours” - Risen Motherhood
“When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage” - Risen Motherhood
The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller
“On Disappointment in Marriage” Trillia Newbell [Video], For The Church
“Susannah Spurgeon Lived for Christ Without Leaving Her Home” Christine Hoover
“10 Ways to Grow Your Marriage While Having Young Kids” Gavin Ortlund, TGC
“Lay Down Your Life for a Lasting Marriage” Jen Oshman
“The Purpose and Privileges of Marriage” Garrett Kell, For The Church
R|M Apply Questions:
While cherishing your spouse may be done through a full-blown date night, it’s most certainly done in the faithful care of normal life, like pregnancy bed rest, dirty diapers, school projects, and knowing glances across the dinner table. So, let’s talk date nights and the gospel:
Everyone loves a good date night, right? What importance do you put on date night right now? Is your reasoning based on biblical encouragement for marriage or a worldly expectation? (Heart hint: it can be both.)
God gives us a clear picture for earthly marriage that plays out differently in our individual marriages. The heartbeat of a gospel-centered marriage is to love God and love our neighbor-husband. What are some ways the Bible teaches us to love our neighbor?
We’ll all face circumstances and seasons that keep us from a regular, modern date night. How does the gospel meet us in these moments? How does God remain faithful in growing our intimacy and oneness in marriage without date nights?
Usually, when we say, I need a date night, we’re envisioning a night in which we feel cherished and loved. Ultimately, knowing that desire can only be fulfilled by Christ takes pressure off of having a perfect date night and expecting our husbands to meet our every need. It also helps us consider how to love our husbands. How can you make your husband feel cherished and loved today?
Your marriage is a gift from God, even with all its difficulties and complexities. Don’t compare yourself to other couples but take note of your gift. Have you thanked God lately and prayed for your husband to grow in God’s grace? Consider spending this “month of love” bringing your praise and requests for your husband to the one who loves you both best.
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