Ep. 104 || Jackie Hill Perry: What Does It Mean To Find Your Identity In Christ?
It’s a phrase we share over coffee, in a text, or at the park, “Find your identity in Christ!” But do we really know what it means? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Jackie Hill Perry. Since coming to know Christ at the age of 19, amidst struggles like gender confusion and same-sex attraction, Jackie has been compelled to share the light of gospel truth through teaching, writing, poetry. Today she’s a wife to Preston and mom to Eden and Autumn and just like the rest of us, sometimes she still struggles to remember her identity in Christ in motherhood. Whether you listen to this one while cleaning the dishes or driving to the office, know that God created us as his image bearers, which means every aspect of our lives is lived for his glory.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
Gay Girl, Good God - Jackie Hill Perry
Identity Theft: Reclaiming the Truth of Our Identity in Christ - edited by Melissa Kruger
In His Image, - Jen Wilkin
“What Does It Mean to Remember My Identity in Christ?” - Emily Jensen, RM
“Finding Your Identity in Christ,” - David Powlison
“Who Am I?” - Ed Welch
“Identity in Success for the Christian,” - Liz Wann
“Finding Your Identity in Christ Looks Like Death,” - (Video) Trillia Newbell, Blair Linne, Rosaria Butterfield
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R|M Apply Questions:
There are common phrases shared in Christian circles—we like to call them “gospel-isms” at R|M—that are encouraging and true, but also difficult to define. How many of us have grappled with the question, “What does it mean for me to find my identity in Christ?” Probably all of us! In this week’s podcast episode, we interviewed Jackie Hill Perry on the topic of identity s in Christ, and we hope it sparks deeper conversation in your homes, churches, and Podcast Clubs. If we belong to God, then every aspect of our lives belongs to him. No matter what our unique situations look like, as his image bearers, we serve, enjoy, and glorify him in our various roles and good works!
In its most basic definition, identity asks, “Who am I?” and “What’s my purpose?” The world offers suggestions of false identities we can use to impress, qualify, embarrass, or hurt one another. Take a minute to consider what words come to mind when you think of how to describe yourself to a stranger. Do you consider these titles and descriptions to be core to who you are or simply explanations of things you do, value, and pursue?
Scripture tells us we’re made in the image of God for his purposes. What are some attributes of God’s character we possess? (Ex. ability to create, be loving) How does being made in his image touch every part of our lives?
God’s truth is absolute and trustworthy despite what our minds or hearts tell us about our identities. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to remember it. Jackie mentioned getting to the “why” behind our natural thoughts and beliefs in order to compare those lies with God’s truth. What is one thing you believe about yourself? Find the why behind it—is your belief true or false?
Your righteousness and perfect standing before God was purchased by the blood of Christ. This status can never be taken or diminished. How does this identity infuse purpose and worth into all that you do—from cleaning dishes to teaching the Bible?
As mamas, we have the opportunity to model a right understanding of identity for our children. Don’t over-complicate it, simply look for ways to show your children how disciples of Christ live. Repent when you sin. Ask God for help to believe his truths. Remind your children of God’s great love. What’s one thing you can share or add to your daily rhythm to help your kiddo see this?
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