Ep. 135 || The Husbands Weigh In: How Does the Gospel Shape Marriage in the Little Years?
Why does marriage feel so hard in the little years? After pouring your energy and brain power out for your kiddos, it’s easy to offer your spouse the leftovers. In this episode, Emily and Laura invite some very special guests on the show to talk about marriage with little ones: their husbands, Brad Jensen and Mike Wifler! Dates may look different, conversations may constantly be interrupted, and serving one another may look mundane, but the gospel can breathe new life into marriage. The gospel story reminds us of God’s faithfulness as he works in our hearts—and the joy of partnering with others in the process.
If you’re reading Risen Motherhood while listening to the show this week, check out chapter six: The Gospel and Our Marriages
[6:02] What’s one thing our listeners may not know about us?
[8:58] What’s the hardest thing about marriage?
[11:02] How has God used marriage to grow you in this season?
[18:28] How do you feel most encouraged to grow spiritually?
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 28, On the Same Team: Getting on the Same Page as Parents
Ep. 35, Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More Than the Leftovers
Ep. 68, How Can Mom Support Dad Spiritually? An Interview with Jerrad Lopes
“Cultivating a Healthy Marriage as New Parents” Quina Aragon
“Our Greatest Ally: God’s Grace for Marital Intimacy” Laura Hardin
“When Littles Make You Want to Check Out in Marriage” R|M Team
Around the Web:
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Consider grabbing a copy of Jen Wilkin’s Women of the Word to learn how to study God’s word with your heart and mind.
R|M Apply Questions:
Marriage in the little years can be hard. What’s the hardest thing in marriage for you and your spouse? Is it seasonal or a continuous struggle?
God uses seasons of difficulty or suffering to mold and shape us into Christ’s image. How have you seen your spouse grow during the “little years?” (Consider telling him this!) How have you seen God grow you during this time?
We talked a lot about service in this show—serving one another, serving our families, and ultimately serving God through it all. In what ways can you serve your spouse as an act of generosity towards him?
We enter each season of marriage with many expectations and assumptions. What does it mean to put those on Christ? How does doing this free us to love and serve our spouse well, and to live as co-laborers?
God is doing good work in our marriages, even in the little years. How can you encourage your spouse specifically as he runs towards Jesus? How can you invite him into the discipling work in your home or share your joys with him?
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