Ep. 134 || Moms in Process
The show is back! After a summer break, we’re kicking off the season by flipping the microphone and putting Emily and Laura in the interviewee seats to discuss being women in process. In Christ we’re growing, but we’re not perfect yet. So while we truly want to obey God, we still put our hope in other things. But even in the tension, Christ offers all we need as we learn to live lives of faithful obedience. No matter where we are in the process, the gospel meets us there.
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 91, Coffee, Wine,& Social Media: Momma, What’s Your Crutch?
Ep. 128, “I Just Can’t Make it to Bible Study!” How Busy Moms Get Involved
Ep. 138, Habits of Faithfulness in Every Season: An Interview with Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth
Around the Web:
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Are you or someone you know expecting a baby? Grab a copy of Gloria Furman’s Labor with Hope to remember our only boast and hope in childbirth is Christ.
R|M Apply Questions:
Being in process feels vulnerable. We look a bit more like Jesus than we used to, but our heart’s can also still look pretty ugly—just depends on the minute. How would you share with a good friend about your current place in process? How have you grown over the last year and what sin issues still stir in your heart?
When we look at scripture, we see people who couldn’t keep the good news of Jesus to themselves. Knowing him was so transformative, they had to share his goodness with others even if they couldn’t do it perfectly. How often do you share the gospel with others? Does being in process keep you from sharing?
Knowing our sin and weakness can leave us feeling desperate for a “fix” or solution. The world offers plenty, but they’ll never truly satisfy our need. What common false hopes do you hear or see? Which ones do you believe?
The gospel is the only true hope for moms, because Christ is the only one who offers all we need presently and eternally. How does the gospel ring true against the false hopes most tempting for you?
Even though we’re in process, God still calls us to faithful living according to his word. By losing our lives in Christ and living obediently, we actually find ourselves alive to joy. Have you seen this reality in your own life? How has God surprised you with joy as you obey him?
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