Moms, Embrace Your Need

Mom friends—you’re doing it. You’re fulfilling the work of ministry God has planned for you! He’s given you a wonderful gift in your children, and though the days feel long and nights, even longer, this is precisely where he wants you. Right here with your kids.

You’re exactly where you should be.

As you and I navigate this season of motherhood, remembering this and other truths will make the difference between running unhindered and running with weights and sins pulling us down.[1] No, we can’t foresee all that will happen, but we can anticipate our hearts—our struggles, anxieties, and fears—and proactively preach God’s Word to ourselves.

When You’re Exhausted

When you struggle with feeling depleted from lack of sleep, remember that God’s grace is sufficient for each moment, that he will give you what you need with every breath you take.[2] This doesn’t mean the fatigue will be easy, but that God will be enough for you.

Remember that he who keeps you will neither slumber nor sleep, and because he has no needs, he will supply everything you need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.[3]

You can count it all joy when you meet the trial of sleeplessness, for the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.[4]

God will let none of your sleep-disturbed nights and sleep-deprived days go to waste. He can take something that seems so hard and unnatural and turn it into good, for his honor and praise. Dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly trust in Jesus’ name.

When You’re Uncertain

When you struggle with uncertainty over what your kids need, remember how many moms before you have walked this road. Remember you can’t possibly know all there is to know, and that learning is good, a tool in God’s hands for your humility and dependence on him.

Remember that God declares the end from the beginning, knows exactly what your children need, and will generously give wisdom when you ask for his help.[5] When you’re overwhelmed or confused, don’t be afraid (or too proud) to ask others for help as well.

And when their tears won’t stop and they won’t sleep, and you are wringing your hands over what to do, laugh about it. Laughter is a good gift from God.

When You’re Insecure

When you struggle with choosing motherhood over other things, remember that for everything there is a season, perfectly planned by God for the advance of his purposes in the world. This might mean the surrendering of a vocation or hobby to the service of your kids—but remember that your identity isn’t found in either; you are in Christ.[6]

Your security, worth, and acceptance are found and established in Jesus’ blood and righteousness, not in work or hobbies, nor in motherhood. Enjoy and rest in the freedom of this eternal, unshakable identity as you navigate this new season, and you’ll find that you enjoy it more as a result.

When You’re Discontent

When you struggle with a sense of purpose in the routine, remember that motherhood is a calling from God, an important work of faith and labor of love that images Jesus Christ.[7] Remember that building into this new relationship with your children is an eternally significant work, as you nourish their bodies and minds, put their needs above yours, and begin to point them to Jesus.

Behold the divine purpose in how a mother reflects Christ, who came not to be served but to serve; when you see your children's helplessness, praise God for the opportunity to imitate Jesus in your dying to self and serving them.[8]

When You’re Feeling Guilty

When you struggle with guilt over time in God’s word, know that the basis of your salvation isn’t dependent on this, but on Christ. You are saved by grace alone through faith alone, not by the amount of time you read Scripture this morning or prayed.[9]

Don’t forget that God’s word, in any amount, accomplishes that for which he purposes, that even the one verse you’re clinging to today won’t return void, but shall succeed in the thing for which God sent it. God’s word is nourishing bread for your soul, and bread is bread, whether you’re feasting or snacking on it.[10]

When You’re Feeling Like a Failure

When you struggle to feel like you’re doing anything right, remember that not one of God’s purposes can be thwarted, nor will he forsake you, the work of his hands.[11] He’s using this new season to mold and shape you into Christlikeness, and to use you as an instrument of his grace in your kids’ lives.

You don’t know what you’re doing, and that’s okay! It’s through the cracks in your jar of clay that God’s gospel shines most brightly; he will leverage your weaknesses to display his strength, and this is good because it brings Jesus glory.[12]

Embrace Your Need

Mom friends, you and I can embrace our need for an all-sufficient, perfectly wise Lord and Savior in this unique season of motherhood. There’s such freedom in confessing our weaknesses and struggles to him, and such joy and peace in preaching the truth to our hearts.

We can praise God for a new grasp of what it means to cling to him—because we know that when we are weak, he is strong.

[1] Heb. 12:1

[2] 2 Cor. 12:9

[3] Ps. 121:4, Phil. 4:19

[4] James 1:2-4

[5]  Is. 46:10, James 1:5

[6]  Eccl. 3:1, Col. 1:13

[7] 1 Thes. 1:3

[8]  Mark 10:45, Phil 2:5-8

[9]  Eph. 2:8-9

[10] Isaiah 55:11, Matt 4:4

[11] Job 42:2, Ps. 138:8

[12]  2 Cor. 4:7

Kristen Wetherell

Kristen Wetherell is a wife, mother, writer, and speaker. She is the author of several books, including Help for the Hungry Soul, Humble Moms, and the board book series For the Bible Tells Me So, and the coauthor of the award-winning book Hope When It Hurts. Kristen is a member of The Orchard and lives in Chicagoland with her husband and three children.

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