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Two Truths and a Lie about Disappointment
Disappointment can be a gracious gift from God that helps us hope in him, refine our motives, and remember where our true value lies.
Grief Reharmonized
Though the melody of our grief is bitter, the underlying chord of the gospel reharmonizes it with hope.
Facing the False Guilt of Infertility
Because Christ has taken our shame to the cross, we can live free from condemnation—even when childlessness seems to define or isolate us.
Strains of the Seasons: Grief
Grief can make way for a deeper experience of gospel hope this Christmas season, as we hold tight to Immanuel—God with us.
Labor of Love
In the daily tending, weeding, and pruning of motherhood, we can point to the faithful Gardener who keeps and cultivates us too—from Eden into eternity.
This Is Just a Season
No matter the challenges of our current season of motherhood, we can rest in God’s faithfulness and promises to carry us safely through.
Just You Wait: Looking Ahead with Hope
As we experience different stages of motherhood, we can faithfully cast a vision of God’s faithfulness for those in seasons behind us.
Imagination is for Moms Too
With a little gospel imagination, we can see how the things that frustrate us about our kids now could be refashioned to glorify God and serve his kingdom.
3 Ways to Fight Fear in Motherhood
If we fear the Lord instead of fearing all the “what ifs” in our children’s lives, we can find rest and refuge in him, even amidst the uncertainties of parenting.
Our Deliverer
Our bruises can tempt us to be hardhearted and unforgiving. But when we look to the broken body of Christ, we realize we can give grace, because we have received it in abundance.
A Longing for Home: A Longing for Him
Contentment and eagerness are two sides of the same coin.
Embracing a Joy-Filled Definition of Motherhood
As Christians we know our true source of joy is in Christ. So why are we still grumpy?
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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