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The Heart of Christ for Anxious Mamas
When fears overwhelm us as moms, we take comfort in the Good Shepherd who draws near to care for us in our weakness.
Like Mama, Like Son: Facing Anxiety Together
When anxious thoughts multiply, we can take comfort in the hope of the gospel and Christ’s promises to redeem us from all the brokenness and suffering of the fall.
When the Clock Strikes Midnight: 3 Encouragements for Depressed Moms
In the darkness of depression, our Savior—the “dawn from on high”—stands ready to minister his light and life to our weary souls.
When Grief Becomes Dangerous (and What to Do About It)
When sadness begins to lead us away from the safety and goodness of God’s presence instead of to it, that can be a red flag pointing us to seek deeper help.
The Results Are In! Our 2022 Survey of Christian Motherhood
We heard from nearly 10,000 moms on the trials and triumphs of Christian motherhood today.
Why Did God Give My Kids a Sick Mom?
For moms with chronic pain and illness, seeing the impact on our children can deepen the suffering. But we can trust that God works all things for our children’s good, even having a sick mom.
Hope When The Heaviness Will Not Lift
Postpartum depression can feel like a crushing darkness with no end in sight. Here’s hope and encouragement from a mom on the other side.
When Birth Doesn’t Go To Plan: Where Is God In A Difficult Birth Story?
It took me 14 months and a second pregnancy to admit I had a traumatic birth. Nearly a year and a half later, I finally realized what had been hovering over my shoulder like a black cloud, a haze enveloping me ever since the birth of my first...
I think our deepest fears are faced when we experience trauma. In the moments between my body beginning contractions and finally meeting my son, I came the closest to my mortality as a person I had ever been. Traumatic births bring the fragility of our existence front and center...
But there is hope. Coming to us through the very same process we are struggling through, the very process God cursed: Mary carried Christ for nine months, laboring, groaning, and finally delivering our redeemer in a barn.
God used the curse, to break the curse.
Finding God in My Postpartum Fire
The birth of our babies—especially our first—is supposed to be magical. We expect a quick rebound from what’s often the most physically challenging experience in our lives. Messages fired at us on television, through the internet, and on social media aim to convince us: once we embrace our child for the first time, we’ll float our way through bliss.
What if our stories are different?
My first encounter with childbirth, for example, left me feeling as if I’d been tossed into a furnace.
I suffered, but I didn’t despair. Why not? I credit the hand of God. From the abundance of baby meals sent by friends and family, to the compassionate care of my OB, to the willingness of many to listen as I retold the story of my traumatic birth—I was cared for. The Lord met me in my furnace.
Through the fire, I had my clearest-yet view of Christ. I saw and felt his dedication to me. I learned to trust him not just day-by-day, but moment-to-moment. Postpartum depression slowed me down. I learned to savor the good moments.
A Gospel Prescription In Postpartum Depression
"The fog of physical exhaustion, emotional weariness, and feelings of constant failure didn’t lift for at least the first year... I simply wasn’t myself; I felt like a hollow shell of a person. I didn’t enjoy being around people, was increasingly short-tempered...The difference was Postpartum Depression...
For those of you in the throws of PPD...You can rest. It isn’t solely up to you to fix yourself - physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Healing takes time. But as you wait, know God is working on your behalf...
By God’s grace, you can be honest with your husband, open with friends, and seek the counsel of medical professionals, boasting all the more gladly of your weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon you.
Postpartum depression can’t separate you from the love of God, friend (Romans 8:39). Because of the reconciling power of the gospel for believers, “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing” (Zephaniah 3:17).
Even when you’re hurting, trust the gospel’s prescription for your heart and the healing comfort of his nearness."
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
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