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Christ’s Comfort When Our Children Suffer
Jesus both understands the deep pain of human suffering and has triumphed over it as divine King over all, so we can entrust our children’s hurts to him.
Walking Together Through Costly Obedience
God uses even our uncertain steps to sanctify us and teach us to walk by faith.
The School of Faith
God doesn’t always show us why he allows specific situations and suffering, but he does show us why we can trust him.
How Do I Talk to My Kids about Suffering?
As moms, we can’t keep our children from suffering, but we can help shape their response to it.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Sorrow?
Sorrow can become a precious opportunity to point our children back to our Savior—the Man of Sorrows who makes broken things new.
Frozen in Grief: The Pain of Ambiguous Loss
Losses that we relive everyday can be met with God’s mercies that are new every morning.
Let Joy and Sadness Intermingle This Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day can be a time to mourn over what is broken, rejoice over what is good, and look forward to God’s final redemption.
When Our Children Suffer
As much as we’d like to protect them, our children will inevitably face trials and suffering. When they do, we can trust God is with us and he’s working in their lives.
Why Did God Give My Kids a Sick Mom?
For moms with chronic pain and illness, seeing the impact on our children can deepen the suffering. But we can trust that God works all things for our children’s good, even having a sick mom.
Gratitude in the Midst of Grief
Celebrating abundance can make us feel our lack and loss more deeply. But even in grief, we can give thanks to the Lord.
Plastic Bags and Hope
God works all things together for good for those who love him. But sometimes, our circumstances don’t feel good, especially in seasons of suffering. How can we trust that his work in our life is good? We look to Jesus.
Oh Death, Where Is Your Sting?
The sting of death when you lose a child will flood the heart in moments of deep grief and mournful sorrow, but nothing can take away our hope in the reality that Jesus conquered death.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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