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Put the Word before the World with Your Kids
As we delight in Scripture and disciple our children in its truths, we show them the joy of putting the Word before the world.
Absorbing the Word When Your Mind Is Full
In seasons where we struggle to sit down for a quiet time or retain what we’ve read, we can creatively seek out ways to put God’s Word always before us.
Fight Fear and Worry with God’s Truth
Scripture memorization helps us reroute runaway thoughts and refresh our hearts with God’s power over our sin and struggles.
When Scripture Memorization Meets Us in Our Mothering
When the Word is planted deep in our hearts and minds, we have it at the ready for every challenging moment of motherhood.
The Nourished Mom
While we can subsist on snacks for a while, our bodies—and our souls—need well-rounded, nourishing meals in order to thrive.
The Praying Mom: Acknowledging We’re Not in Control
Prayer is God’s means of reminding tired, overwhelmed moms that we aren’t ultimately in control of our lives or our kids—but we can depend on him.
Getting Started in Bible Reading (Even When It’s Hard)
We can grow in our Bible literacy one day at a time—not out of guilt or legalism but because Scripture is God’s gracious gift to us.
Placeholders: Perseverance When Spiritual Disciplines Feel Pointless
When praying, reading Scripture, or taking kids to church seems counterproductive, we can remember that God gives us structures like these for our growth and flourishing.
8 Reasons to Prioritize Time with Jesus
More pressing than even the chores and to-dos that surround us as moms is our need to sit at God’s feet and be nourished by his Word.
Bringing Scripture to Mind When We Need It Most
Memorizing God’s Word gives us a storehouse of truth at the ready to inform, encourage, and preserve us in the midst of motherhood’s demands.
Our Father in Heaven: Jesus’ Pattern for Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer is both a helpful framework for teaching our kids how to pray and a powerful introduction to the theology of who God is and how he works.
8 Ways to Spiritually Thrive in the Newborn Season
There are many ways we can cultivate our relationship with the Lord, even when we’re short on time and sleep.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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