Ep. 31 || Momma, Fear the Lord: Not the Election Season
Hey momma, are you feeling a little anxious this election season? Are you unsure of what the future holds for your children? Although it's easy to get caught up in the never-ending news cycle, shrouded in fear and bias, there is a place you can turn to for truth. In this episode, Emily and Laura look on the bright side of this political season, discussing our unchanging hope and eternal home. Contrary to what the culture tells us, moms really don't have to fear what is frightening, but can instead trust the God who is working for our good and his glory.
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Following Jesus Far From Home - Mary Wilson (talk from TGCW16)
A Shepherd and a Lion - John Piper (talk from TGCW16)
Let Christians Vote as Though They Were Not Voting - John Piper
Engaging the City of Man: Christian Faith and Politics - Al Mohler
Before You Vote - Dawn Wilson
7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics - Bryan Roberts
Christians and Politics: Serving Two Masters? - Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Fight Anxiety Without Fear - Ryan Shelton
Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves - Trillia Newbell
A Right Theology of Fear (And Why You Need it) - Erin Davis
When the World is Scary: Mothering in Faith, Not Fear - Risen Motherhood Episode 16
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