Ep. 35 || Putting Your Marriage First: Give Him More Than the Leftovers
Without even noticing, we can let the daily dish piles, weighty to-do lists, and urgent needs of little children push our husbands far into the background. While this might not cause immediate harm, in the long-term, giving our husbands the "leftovers" can lead to distance and damage. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the the importance of keeping our marriages in the forefront of our minds, and give some simple ideas for blessing our husbands. A healthy marriage is an opportunity to love our children well, and to model the very faith we hope to pass along.
Articles & Resources:
The Meaning of Marriage - Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller
What it means when I say, "My husband comes before my kids." - The Resplendent
Keeping Your Marriage Vows - Revive Our Hearts
Building a Marriage Culture | Wives, Serve Your Husbands - Courtney Reissig
A Hundred Little Choices in Marriage - Jess Connell
10 Ways We Make Time for Our Marriage - Jess Connell
Wives, Honor Your Husband's Preferences - Emily Jensen for CBMW
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