Ep. 164 || Change is a Good Thing, Part 2
As much as we may desire to live with eternal purpose and become more like Christ, some days we’re doing well just to keep the diapers changed—much less figure out how we can change. In this episode, Emily and Laura get practical about how we change into the image of Christ. Drawing from David Powlison’s book, How Does Sanctification Work?, they unpack five things that contribute to our growth in godliness. God is changing us and using our lives for something that matters as we live faithfully from one moment (or diaper change) to the next.
Mentioned on the Show:
Wednesday Prayer: #rmkitchensinkprayers
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We’re grateful to Christian Standard Bible, a Bible translation for everyone, for making this week’s show possible. Whether reading to a child or teaching in your women’s ministry, the CSB will be accurate, readable, and shareable. Find out more at csbible.com.
R|M Apply Questions:
Becoming more like Christ means depending on the Lord to change us and taking action to participate in what he’s doing. Which of those is harder for you? What might it look like for you to depend on the Lord to change you? What might it look like for you to actively participate in your sanctification?
One of the ways God changes us is through his living and active word. How are you doing with spending time in God’s word? What’s a practical way you could incorporate God’s word into your life more this week?
God also works to change us through wise people as we engage in Christian community. How have you seen God work through other believers to change you? How can you continue to pursue and prioritize living in Christian community?
Speaking of how the Lord changes us through suffering and struggle, Laura gave the analogy of a grape vine that must be pruned in order to bear fruit. What types of suffering or struggle are you experiencing right now? How might the Lord be working through that to bear fruit in your life and draw you closer to him?
2 Corinthians 3:18 talks about how we are transformed into the image of Christ “from one degree of glory to another.” Change is a long term process, but God is working in us moment by moment, day by day as we seek to live like Christ. What might it look like for you to trust the Lord with the big changes and live faithfully right where you are today?
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