Abundance 03: I Don’t Have Enough Wisdom—An Interview with Glenna Marshall
Each day is filled with decisions and we’re anxious to make the right ones. We live in a world where information is right at our fingertips—but as moms, we need something deeper and never-changing. Even when knowledge is helpful, no amount of Internet searching will ultimately give us God’s direction for our family. For that, we need godly wisdom—so where do we find it? In this episode, Emily chats with author and mom, Glenna Marshall, on how we can seek wisdom from the Lord through Scripture, prayer, and wise counsel. While we don’t get a personalized playbook for the life before us, God in his gracious provision gives us what we need through his Word. When we seek wisdom from the One who knows all and sees all, he provides more than we could ever dream to ask.
What We’re Still Talking About 07: Personal Conscience
From the moment we learn we’re going to be moms, the decision points begin to roll in quickly. Whether we’re unsure about pacifier styles and sleep training methods, or we’re researching the best time to get our kids a phone and leave them home alone, motherhood is made up of choices big and small. These decisions can leave us anxious and exhausted if we don’t know how to discern what is best in our own unique situation. In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the topic of personal conscience—what it is, how it works, and how we honor other moms who make different decisions. Scripture may not directly address every topic we face in modern motherhood, but we can trust that as the Spirit works in us, our conscience will align more and more to God’s will for our lives as we pursue him.
Moms + Work 03: Should I Take That Job?
How many hours can we clock each week, and still serve our families well? Should we take that job now that our kids are in school, or pull back as our families grow? Scripture hasn’t given us a one-size-fits-all answer in this area (which means Emily and Laura won’t be able to tell you either!), but we can find help for direction and discernment from God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura outline a few questions to think through when considering turning the knob up or down on income-producing work, particularly if you have the privilege of choice*. To take this show even further, we’ve also created a free workbook filled with gospel-centered questions to help a mom think through their income-producing work. You can find the link to the workbook below! As we navigate these decisions, we can trust that the Lord is our Counselor and Comforter in every season.
*We know not all moms are afforded choice in this area and it's an enormous gift to have options in work. If you are in a season where you long for a change in how you spend your days, please know we've prayed for you, asking God to give you strength to trust him in every season.
Knowing God’s Will Is Not As Hard As You Think | Obedience .02
Deep down, we want to know we’re doing motherhood right. That we’re not failing or heading down the wrong path in life. This is true for our everyday choices about meals, screens, activities, and the way we spend our time. But it’s also true for how we work through tough relationships, respond to our kid’s hard questions, and make life-changing decisions. How do we know God’s will? In today’s episode, Emily and Laura tackle this question, because it’s not as complicated as you might think! We often wonder if we’re on track, but God’s word doesn’t leave us in the dark. He reveals his design, giving us clear commands, wise principles for life, and a framework for living like Christ in each situation.
Ep. 168 || Should I Do This?
You know that little voice in your head? The one that pipes up when you feel guilt over letting your kids eat too many cookies or sets off an internal alarm when you watch something questionable? All of us have one, but it’s not necessarily the Holy Spirit. What is it exactly? In this episode, Emily and Laura explore the topic of personal conscience. God gave us a conscience to help discern what’s right and wrong in the everyday “gray” areas of life. While it can be dulled by sin, God can recalibrate our consciences through the study of his word and fellowship with believers, so we can do all things in faith with love.
Ep. 164 || Change is a Good Thing, Part 2
As much as we may desire to live with eternal purpose and become more like Christ, some days we’re doing well just to keep the diapers changed—much less figure out how we can change. In this episode, Emily and Laura get practical about how we change into the image of Christ. Drawing from David Powlison’s book, How Does Sanctification Work?, they unpack five things that contribute to our growth in godliness. God is changing us and using our lives for something that matters as we live faithfully from one moment (or diaper change) to the next.
Ep. 163 || Change is a Good Thing, Part 1
As you make the meals, change the diapers, settle the arguments, and fold the laundry day after day, do you ever wonder if any of it really matters? With so many immediate needs in front of us, it can be easy to lose sight of our eternal purpose. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss some simple (yet profound) truths that help clarify our destination and goal as believers in Christ. When we remember that we’re being conformed to the image of Jesus and one day we’ll dwell with him for eternity, we can hold things loosely in this life and embrace our role as servants doing the Master’s work—even if it’s the same work day after day.
Ep. 148 || Making Decisions: How do I Choose Wisely in Motherhood?
We make so many decisions in motherhood. Daily, we consider things like, what snack should I feed my child? How much screen time should they have? What discipline strategy should I use for this tantrum? And we also ask deeper, bigger questions like, how should we handle their schooling? What church should our family go to? How much time should we spend away from our kids? In today’s episode, Emily and Laura discuss how they each process decision-making and the many factors that influence the final outcome. God calls each of us to a dependent life that aligns with our deepest desire—to love and live like Christ in all we do, big and small.
Ep. 144 || Boxes & Moving Trucks: Enduring Transitions with Grace
Moving is hard. One day, you’re packing a box faster than your toddler can unpack it, and the next, you need Google maps to find the kids’ new school. Your family can feel uprooted, discouraged, exhilarated, and adventurous all on the same day. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the challenges of moving with littles (which overlaps with any season of transition!). While moving is hard and full of unknowns, we can be sure God has a plan, and it’s a good one. These days, months, or even years aren’t throwaway seasons. By God’s grace, they’re times of pruning and growth in our hearts, leading us to joy in Christ—not our circumstances.
Ep. 118 || Gray Areas: Personal Conscience in Motherhood
It’s our first episode of 2019, and we’re talking about the little voice in your head. The one that pipes up when you feel guilt over letting your kids eat too many cookies or sets off an alarm bell when you watch something questionable. All of us have one, but it’s not the Holy Spirit. What is it exactly? In this episode, Emily and Laura start the conversation on personal conscience. God gave each of us a conscience to help discern what’s right and wrong in the everyday “gray” areas of life. While it can be dulled by sin, God recalibrates our consciences through the study of his word and fellowship with believers, so we can do all things in faith with love.
Ep. 92 || Learning, Growing, & Changing Our Minds: How the Gospel Frees us to Do Something Different
From diaper choices and sleep methods to snack options and schooling methods, we make many decisions throughout our years of mothering. We research, we pray, we talk with our husbands, and we come to what feels like our “final” decision. But what about when we need to or want to change? In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about changing our minds on the little things and the big things. While we will never be perfect in decision-making, we serve a God who is wise, all-knowing, and in perfect control of all things. Momma, let’s be faithful in our limitations while trusting our limitless God to bring all things to fruition for his glory and our good.
Ep. 60 || Adding Another Little: How Mom Can Greet the Transition With Hope
Many moms wonder, "What is it going to be like to add another little one to our family?"...Through childbirth or adoption, the season of transition can cause everyone anxiety. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk about the the way we face our limitations by looking to Christ, who ultimately fills our hearts with hope, not fear. God doesn't promise to spare us from spit-up, sleepless nights, blow-outs, or frustrated older siblings, but He does promise to use all things for our good and His glory. It's often the "out of control" seasons that remind us who's really in control.
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