Ep. 70 || Is Motherhood Your Measure of Success
When urgent needs and love for our littles abounds, it’s easy to become all-consumed by the role of motherhood. Without even realizing it, we can start to define ourselves by how we’re doing, letting our joy be found in the relative success of earthly ability instead of the secure anchor of the Savior. In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the concept of identity and motherhood, encouraging moms to define themselves in Christ. As sinners, our success can’t be found in any earthly role or relationship, but only through our eternal hope in the Savior himself.
Articles & Resources:
The Westminster Shorter Catechism - Online Version
The New City Catechism- Kathy Keller
Counterfeit Gods - Tim Keller
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family - Paul David Tripp
Mom Enough - Multiple Collaborators (Desiring God)
A Gospel Primer for Christians: Learning to See the Glories of God's Love- Milton Vincent
Don't Turn Motherhood into an Idol - David Prince
Recovering from Perfect Mom Syndrome - Melissa Krueger
On Empty Nests, Christian Mommy Guilt, and Misplaced Identity - Jen Wilkin
When Mommy Loves Jesus More- Emily Jensen (For The Church contributor)
More From Risen Motherhood:
Motherhood and the Gospel- RM Ep. 1
Interview with Gloria Furman: Missional Motherhood - RM Ep. 32
Interview with Jen Wilkin: Growing in God's Word as a Mom of Little Ones - RM Ep. 63
Interview with Hannah Anderson: How Humility Nourishes a Weary Mom's Soul - RM Ep. 66
Inductive Bible Study Tutorial and Printables - RM Equipping
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