Gospel Mom 01: On Being A “Good Mom” + Other Things (GM - C1)
Think fast: when you first became a mom, what expectations did you have? Chances are that many of us planned to be a certain type of mom, intentional or not: the crunchy mom, the do-it-all mom, the ‘little bit of everything’ mom, and so on. But it doesn’t take long in motherhood to realize that our ideal doesn’t always match our life circumstances: that’s why in this episode, Emily and Laura dive into the freedom of gospel motherhood. Inspired by their new book, Gospel Mom, they share three truths we find for motherhood in Scripture and the everlasting hope they bring. Let’s break free of the labels and find our true identity in Christ.
Mentioned on the Show:
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Trying to find God’s will for your motherhood?
As moms, we’re surrounded by a lot of messages of who we “should” be and what we “should” do. But in Christ, there’s incredible freedom to be a mom who is unique and individual, while glorifying God and being faithful in motherhood. Not sure what that looks like? That’s exactly why the Risen Motherhood co-founders, Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, wrote these books.
Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be, along with its companion workbook Becoming a Gospel Mom is available now.
R|M Apply Questions:
Where do you feel tension in the “gray areas” (i.e. the areas not specifically addressed in Scripture) of your motherhood? This may pertain to school choice, screen time, nutrition, etc.—what do you tend to believe about yourself when you fixate on your performance in these areas?
Think about the “types” of moms you’ve been tempted to emulate, whether they’re influencers, moms you know in real life, or even your own mom. How do your life circumstances look different from theirs? How does pursuing this type of motherhood compare to pursuing a gospel motherhood?
In the show, Emily and Laura highlight three truths from Scripture that shape our motherhood (Psst! There are more in Gospel Mom!). Spend some time reading each of the corresponding Scripture and questions below—want to take it a step further? Grab coffee with a mom friend and discuss these together!
No. 1: A gospel mom gains a new heart and a new nature with Christ’s righteousness.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. When you have to reset your priorities as a mom, how does this truth free you to walk forward in confidence?
No. 2: A gospel mom understands the realities of a broken earth and the hardship of life east of Eden.
Read Romans 5:3-5. How does this free us when motherhood doesn’t go as we planned?
No. 3: A gospel mom rejoices because nothing can separate her from the love of God.
Read Romans 8:38-39. When your choices look different from the moms around you, how does this change the big picture?
Spend some time in prayer that as you process your motherhood and the Lord’s care for you in it, that the Spirit will remind you that there is no emotion or struggle too big for God to handle. He calls you his daughter, dear friend.
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