Gospel Mom 02: On Understanding Why Motherhood is Hard + Other Things (GM - C1-4)
You’ve likely heard “the gospel” before, maybe more times that you can count—but no matter how often we walk through the pattern of Creation-Fall-Redemption-Consummation, we’re still in awe of the way this lens helps us see our motherhood (and all of life, really!) so much more clearly. In this episode, Emily and Laura walk through the gospel framework, providing questions and Scripture along the way for you to apply to your own motherhood. Let this news bring hope to your weary heart today, mom: the Bible really does provide the answers to your modern motherhood questions.
Mentioned on the Show:
Snag your copy of Gospel Mom and Becoming a Gospel Mom today!
Genesis 3
Matthew 8:23-27
Matthew 26:36-46
Luke 10:38-42
Hebrews 12:2
1 Samuel; 2 Samuel
Related Resources from R|M:
Trying to find God’s will for your motherhood?
As moms, we’re surrounded by a lot of messages of who we “should” be and what we “should” do. But in Christ, there’s incredible freedom to be a mom who is unique and individual, while glorifying God and being faithful in motherhood. Not sure what that looks like? That’s exactly why the Risen Motherhood co-founders, Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, wrote these books.
Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be, along with its companion workbook Becoming a Gospel Mom is available now.
R|M Apply Questions:
What is one small thing you can do to start today when it comes to understanding God’s Word? Write it down or text it to a friend for accountability, and pray that the Lord will help you see fruit from it along the way.
What is weighing on your heart in motherhood right now? Maybe it’s how to feed your newborn, educate your kids, approach discipline with your toddler, or the hundreds of micro-decisions we make as moms each day. Spend some time walking through each of the gospel framework questions* below:
How did God originally intend or design this to be?
How has sin potentially infiltrated my thoughts, words, or actions here?
And/or: How have the realities of the fall and the brokenness of the world impacted this situation?
How can I look to Christ’s example here on earth as a model for how I handle this?
How can I trust that God is working for my greatest good in this situation and I’m part of the greater story he is writing?
Pick a book of the Bible and set a plan to study it using the inductive study method (this is what we use at R|M, and you can find a free version HERE!). Here are a few tips:
If you’re not sure what book to start with, consider a book like Ephesians, Philippians, or any of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John).
Try to give yourself 30-45 minutes at least 3 days per week. Remember you can do it any time of day; it doesn’t have to be first thing in the morning!
Try listening to the Bible on audiobook! This is a great way to have God’s Word top of mind, even in small pockets of time when your hands are busy.
*We know there’s a lot to unpack here! Remember we have a full book and workbook duo to help you process through each of these. Find Gospel Mom and Becoming a Gospel Mom anywhere books are sold or click here!
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