Gospel Mom 06: On Being Honest With Yourself + Other Things (GM - C9)
Many of us know it from memory: “the heart is deceitful above all else” (Jer. 17:9). So in a world that shouts we should “follow our heart,” what does it look like to be in the world—acknowledging our human interests and passions—while not being of the world, pursuing these things at all costs? In this episode, Emily and Laura share a few examples and questions we can consider when evaluating our heart motivation behind decisions big and small. The application will look different for all of us, and that’s the beauty of it! God has wired each of us differently, and he knows our hearts inside and out. In the words of the psalmist, “no good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly” (Ps. 84:11). Will you trust him with it, friend?
Mentioned on the Show:
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Ep. 91 || Coffee, Wine, & Social Media: Momma, What’s Your Crutch?
Gospel Mom .05: On How Your Life Experiences Shape Your Motherhood + Other Things (GM - C8)
Jeremiah 17:9-10
1 Corinthians 4:3-4
Psalm 139:23
Trying to find God’s will for your motherhood?
As moms, we’re surrounded by a lot of messages of who we “should” be and what we “should” do. But in Christ, there’s incredible freedom to be a mom who is unique and individual, while glorifying God and being faithful in motherhood. Not sure what that looks like? That’s exactly why the Risen Motherhood co-founders, Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler, wrote these books.
Gospel Mom: How to Make Biblical Decisions and Discover the Mom God Created You to Be, along with its companion workbook Becoming a Gospel Mom is available now.
R|M Apply Questions:
Are there any decisions you’re struggling to make in motherhood right now? Journal through each of the below questions* on your own or talk with your husband or a trusted friend friend to help consider the factors at hand:
Is the cost (money, time, energy, etc.) to me and my family worth it?
How does this align with our circumstances and values?
How permanent is this decision?
How transparent can I be with others about this decision?
Read Jeremiah 17:9-10. When you remember that the Lord knows your heart, how does that make you feel? Pray that the Holy Spirit will remind you of the grace you have in Christ, and allow you to walk forward in freedom as you seek to honor him with your whole heart.
After walking through the above questions, has the Lord brought anything to mind that you may be holding with tightly-closed fists? Pray that the Lord will help you loosen your grip on what’s captivating you, and that the Spirit will remind you just how much God loves you and cares for you, even in your struggles.
*Find more questions for this on Pg. 150-155 of Becoming a Gospel Mom!
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