Social Media 06: What Was I Supposed To Be Doing Right Now?
The dishes pile up. The kids run circles around the house. The to-do list is a mile long. Motherhood is full, but too often, we fill our time hunching over our phones, giving our best self to social media instead of looking up at the work in front of us. When we don’t know where to begin, social media feels like a welcome distraction. But when our days are consumed by social media, we might miss the most important things. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss faithfulness in motherhood, examining the way it impacts our limited time and energy. When we give God first place in our hearts and steward the responsibilities before us, we can use social media as a tool rather than an escape.
Want to help Risen Motherhood keep creating the content you know and love?
As a part of our Social Media mini-series, we’re digging deep into the impact of social media—on our brains, bodies, and hearts. In light of this, we’ve created “Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook.” This podcast companion helps you take Laura and Emily’s conversations further and apply them to your own life. In the workbook, you’ll find Scripture, questions, and a prayer relating to each episode. We encourage you to follow along week by week, completing the questions for each topic after the corresponding episode’s release.
For a complete list of all our recommended articles and books on social media, head over to our Social Media page
Mentioned on the Show:
*If you are loving this mini-series and want to dive in further on developing a gospel-centered approach to social media, we’re excited to share that Emily and Laura each contributed to a book that releases next year with The Gospel Coalition. “Social Sanity in an Insta World” will release at the TGCW22 conference and we can't wait for you to get your hands on it! If you want to be the first to hear about updates, sign up here.
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
R|M Apply Questions:
Verse 1: Ephesians 5:15-17 “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.”
Wake Up:
How much time do you spend on social media each day and what are your purposes for that time (e.g., personal browsing or managing an account for a business)? Gather some facts if you can by tracking it on your own for a day or two or checking your smartphone for an exact total. Would you be willing to share that number with your husband, your friends, or your pastor? Why or why not?
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? If so, how do you typically respond (revving up or shutting down) and how might social media either contribute to your overwhelm or be an escape from it? Give specific examples.
Verse 2: Matthew 22:37-38 “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.”
Make a list of your daily responsibilities and ask the Lord where to invest more or less time. How does social media fit into your responsibilities? Write down a new target amount of time that you’d like to set for social media use each day. Consider when that time is spent (while the kids are at school, after your quiet time, etc.). How does this vary from what you’re currently doing
Make a list of the people and issues in your home, workplace, church, and community that God has given you to care about and advocate for. Ask the Lord to help you evaluate how the issues you worry about or advocate for on social media interact with your real-life responsibilities. Look around and list 3-5 things you could spend your time and energy on right now to serve others.
Walk in His Ways:
Father, help me to evaluate my time and energy and distribute it according to your will. Show me where I might be focusing on the wrong people or things and help me set up boundaries to redirect that time accordingly. Help me be faithful in the things you’ve put in my in-person life today.
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