Social Media Bonus: 4 Great Ways To Use Social Media
It’s easy to pick on social media, but for all of its challenges, we also believe it can be used for good. In this special bonus episode, Emily and Laura provide four quick ways we can use social media redemptively. When we use our social platforms to obviously or subtly point to Christ, we provide an opportunity for someone to encounter the beauty of the gospel while they scroll. We hope this encourages you with fresh ideas for stewarding social media well, no matter the size or purpose of your account!
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As a part of our Social Media mini-series, we’re digging deep into the impact of social media—on our brains, bodies, and hearts. In light of this, we’ve created “Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook.” This podcast companion helps you take Laura and Emily’s conversations further and apply them to your own life. In the workbook, you’ll find Scripture, questions, and a prayer relating to each episode. We encourage you to follow along week by week, completing the questions for each topic after the corresponding episode’s release.
For a complete list of all our recommended articles and books on social media, head over to our Social Media page
This mini-series is brought to you in part by Crossway, publisher of Bread of Life: Savoring the All Satisfying Goodness of Jesus Through the Art of Breadmaking by Abigail Dodds. This book is filled with eleven devotionals along with eleven easy-to-follow bread recipes all designed to show you how to find your ultimate fulfillment in Christ, the all-satisfying bread of life. Pick up Bread of Life wherever books are sold or visit Crossway to find out how you can get 30% off with your Crossway plus account. We’re so thankful for Crossway’s sponsorship!
R|M Apply Questions:
In this episode, we gave four ideas for using social media well, but we know there are many more! Consider how social media can serve you as you seek to be faithful, spread truth, and love others.
List ways that you could use social media for good in your own life.
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