Whole 09: Let Go of the Beachball + What Forgiveness Is (And Isn't)
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to the Christian life: forgiveness. It’s hard, right?! But as we see with every command God gives us, the act of forgiveness is for our own good and flourishing. Many of us have seen how unforgiveness doesn’t stay contained; it seeps out until it permeates a lot of areas of our lives, including motherhood. That’s why Emily and Laura spend this show taking a hard look at forgiveness: what it is, what it isn’t, and why it matters. In this world, we will have trouble—but our Redeemer has overcome it all. In him, we find the power and freedom to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
*Note: We know this is a broad topic and understand we couldn’t possibly cover all of the intricacies and experiences at play for you personally. Our hope for this show is to provide you with a few thought-starters and Scripture references to understand forgiveness, but if needed we encourage you to reach out to a trusted friend, pastor, or counselor to speak into your personal situation and circumstances as you work through forgiveness in your own relationships.
Mentioned on the Show:
Genesis 50:20
Forgiveness: A pardon for an offense; ceasing to feel resentment against an opposing party
Unforgiveness: holding an offense against someone and choosing to actively resent or punish them for it
Isaiah 59:2
Matthew 18:21-22
Matthew 6:14-15
Luke 6:37
Matthew 6:12
Matthew 8:21-35
Luke 7:47
John 8:1-11
Psalm 33:4-5
Luke 8:17
Related Resources from R|M:
Worst Mom Award: Receiving God’s Grace in Motherhood by Scarlet Hiltibidal
How Forgiveness Displays the Gospel to Our Kids by Hayley Satrom
Mommas, We Speak From the Overflow of Our Hearts by Katie Blackburn
Remedies For the Mom Who Keeps Blowing It by Amy DiMarcangelo
Responsive, Not Reactive: Mothering in Light of Past Experiences by Lauren Whitman
Whole: Reflection and Prayer Journal
We’ve got your wheels turning, now it’s your turn to pray through and reflect on how each week’s topic could apply to your own day-to-day life. Let this journal be your safe place to think outside of your typical bounds, get a little creative, and write bold prayers.
Friendly reminder, mom to mom: every season of motherhood looks different, especially in terms of capacity! If you’re up all night with a newborn right now, “creativity” may look completely different than if you have school-aged kiddos. Give yourself grace and know you can print this journal out again and again, season by season!
This download is completely free when you sign up for the Risen Motherhood email list— fill out the form below to get this free download straight to your inbox!
R|M Apply Questions:
Before taking a deeper dive on this topic, let’s start with a few temperature-check questions to understand where you are personally. Consider journaling through the below:
Which is harder for you: forgiving yourself or forgiving others? Why?
In the show, Emily and Laura define ‘unforgiveness’ as holding tightly to an offense. Mom, is there anything you’re holding onto, whether a deep hurt or ‘small’ grievance, that’s cycling in your heart and mind?
When you think about forgiveness, what comes to mind? Jot down any situations, words, or actions that you think of—now, look back through them. Are they positive, negative? How do they make you feel?
Read Matthew 6:14-15. (As you do, remember that everything we do flows out of Christ’s love for us, not to earn his love by our good works.) What do Jesus’ words here tell you about the importance of forgiveness?
Read Luke 7:47. Reflect on this truth: mom, your sins which are many, are forgiven. What does this show you about God’s character, and how does it empower you to extend forgiveness to others?
How might extending forgiveness to others free you to become the whole woman God designed you to be?
Pray that the Lord will open your eyes to the freedom that awaits you on the other side of forgiveness. There is joy in obedience to his Word; ask that you’ll experience his joy and peace as you process through real, hurtful grievances.
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