Ep. 23 || Hope After Miscarriage: Two Moms Share Their Stories of Loss & Healing
In this special episode, you’ll hear two moms share their stories of loss and healing. While they are different women with different stories, they both experienced multiple miscarriages before the birth of their first child* in their arms. They both felt tempted to despair and withdrawal as they walked through the grief. But they both found deep comfort and hope in the promises of God as they trusted him, despite the pain.
So whether you have experienced a miscarriage, you know someone who has experienced a miscarriage, or you are just walking through really hard circumstances as a mom, this episode was recorded with you in mind. Our prayer is that these stories would leave you more in awe of God’s love, with a deep desire to hope in Jesus, even in the hard places.
*Update: We received a great note from a listener regarding our into language, and wanted to affirm that we believe every pregnancy is a life from conception. The wording might have been better stated as saying that both of our guests experienced multiple miscarriages before holding their first child in their arms (as we know they had other precious children in the womb). We have already updated the text on the site, but aren't able to edit it in the podcast. Thanks for letting us clarify, and we hope this episode is a blessing to you.
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Other Books:
"Grieving the Child I Never Knew" a devotional by Kathe Wunnenberg
"Mommy, Please Don't Cry: There Are No Tears in Heaven" by Linda Deymaz
"Holding on to Hope" by Nancy Guthrie