Ep. 24 || Joy in Motherhood
When the days are long, the tantrums are continuous, the sleep is lacking, and the mess abounds; the call to motherhood can feel daunting. Maybe we are completing our tasks, but having joy in the midst of them feels impossible. As time passes, we find ourselves more familiar with a tone of bitterness than a heart of rejoicing. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the difference between momentary joy and biblical joy, and the common reasons why it's hard to experience. The good news is, joy is available despite our circumstances, because Jesus offers an unchanging hope.
Mentioned on the Show:
Finding Nemo "Just keep swimming!" (Skip to 1:34)
"If everlasting joys were more in your thoughts, spiritual joys would abound more in your hearts." - Richard Baxter
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Jesus and the Journey to Joy: A Six-Part Study w/John Piper - Desiring God
How Eternity Shapes Our Mundane - Gloria Furman
3 Hangups that Steal the Joy from Motherhood - The Purposeful Mom
From Grouchy to Great: Finding Joy in the Journey of Motherhood - The Better Mom Team
3 Secrets to Joy in Motherhood - Val Marie Paper
How a Mom Fights for Joy - Interview with Jani Ortlund on Revive Our Hearts
The Season of Motherhood Part 1 - Interview with Melissa Krueger on Revive Our Hearts
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