Ep. 29 || Using Life-Giving Words With Our Children
Especially under stress, it's easy to get caught in a pattern of using critical words with our children. Can you relate? Instead of tearing down, God's word encourages us to harness the tongue for building-up, giving grace, and pointing our children towards their ultimate source of life. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the importance of practicing this skill with our children, and share practical ways to get started. We won't be perfect, but we can keep choosing words that speak truth, along with a heaping dose of love.
Blog Posts, Articles, and Books:
Expressing Love Through Appreciation and Honor - Sally Clarkson & Kristen Kill (some relevant content begins around 8:20)
Why Little Kids Need Big Biblical Words - Trevin Wax
Don't Provoke Your Kids - Jim Essian
Taming That Tongue - Kimberly Wagner
Praising Others is Not Optional - Sam Crabtree
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