Ep. 69 || Loving the Difficult Mom in Your Life
It’s natural to prefer spending time with moms who share similar parenting values, lifestyle choices, and special interests with us. Conversely, most of us can instantly think of a mom we avoid, because she makes us uncomfortable with her more-extreme views in a gray-area of motherhood. These feelings beg the question, “How should we love and interact with those who do motherhood differently than us, especially when those differences breed difficulties?” In this episode, Emily and Laura bring the gospel to bear on these challenging relationships, remembering that the cross levels all of us. Because of the extravagant grace shown to us, we can now love others who are different, even when it’s hard.
Articles & Resources:
Loving Difficult People || Stacy Reaoch (Desiring God)
Organic Food, Essential Oils, and the Gospel of Grace || Stacy Reaoch (Desiring God)
The Love that is Neither Easy or Natural || Erik Raymond (TGC)
Mom vs. Mom: The War I Didn't See Coming || Jeanne Harrison (Revive our Hearts)
Loving Someone in Their Mess || Colleen Chao (Revive our Hearts)
10 Common Mistakes in Difficult Relationships || Lina Abujamra (Revive our Hearts)
The concept Laura quoted on the show about "disordered loves" was from St. Augustine. It's more of a theory that rings throughout his writings so we're unable to find a great quote capturing the idea. But Tim Keller sums up the Augustinian concept well through his quote, “Disordered love leads always to misery and breakdown. The only way to ‘reorder’ our loves is to love God supremely.” - Tim Keller
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