Ep. 95 || Irene Sun on Homeschool: Freedom in Education Choices, Part 3
Deciding how to educate your child can be overwhelming, but momma, there is freedom—because of the gospel—in our education methods. In this episode, Emily and Laura talk to Irene Sun, a pastor’s wife, mom, and author, about her experience as a mom who homeschools. Because our identities are found in Christ alone, we have nothing to prove to ourselves or anyone else. This should cause us all to breathe a sigh of relief. The lives of our children are safe in the hands of God.
Articles, Resources and Related Content:
We have a special place to find our collection of education resources this month! Here you’ll find links to all of the interviews, resources and tools we’ve found helpful, and the RM questionnaire to serve as a springboard of things to think about as you and your family consider the decision of how to educate your child.
Below, you’ll find some episode-specific resources:
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R|M Apply Questions:
Our kids needs Jesus just like we do. If this is your mission in life—to focus on your parental calling to make disciples—how does your perspective on schooling change? What will still be the greatest influence in your child’s life?
In some respect, every parent is a homeschooler, because we’re carrying out the biblical call to teach and train our children up in the Christian faith. What are some of your favorite ways to teach your kids about Jesus in your home? Are there any new areas you could explore together?
In our homes, we have the same calling, but we have different levels of provisions and abilities, which means our decisions will look different from one another. What we need to look at is our hearts: are we humbly trusting God and his unique plans for our lives or are we fearing man and forcing a school choice that our lives may not be able to support?
We’re going to have bad days and second-guessing no matter where our kids are schooled. How does the grace of the gospel keep you from guilt, anxiety, or fear when this happens? How do repentance and obedience bring us true joy?
God will meet us where we’re at, and he is faithful to us always. Have you asked God for wisdom in prayer? Have you shared your concern with him in prayer? Trust in his perfect plan and wisdom for your family, and rest in his promises from scripture.
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