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Not as the World: Finding Peace in Motherhood
In the midst of motherhood’s incessant demands, Christ offers us a peace greater than any quiet moment or hot cup of coffee.
Managing Multiple Callings in Motherhood
Remembering our identity in Christ and his care for us anchors us when we feel like we’re juggling many competing responsibilities in life.
How Do I Talk to My Kids about Social Media?
As we help our kids navigate an increasingly digital world, we can point them to God’s truth as their ultimate measure of reality.
Honoring Birth Parents—In Our Families and Our Churches
We can honor and serve birth parents through every step of the adoption process with words and actions that reflect the gospel we hold dear.
When You’re Not Enough: 4 Ways to Trust God as a Single Mom
Through the uncertainties and limitations of single motherhood, we can trust that God goes with us—and he will always be enough.
A Mom’s Guide to the Church Calendar
Historical church traditions can be helpful for intentionally weaving the gospel into our homes, but we can each exercise our convictions with freedom and grace.
Mothering with Humility
Motherhood is an opportunity to humbly acknowledge our sins and shortcomings—and to point our kids to Christ as the Savior we all need.
Fostering Truth: Because What Foster Moms Need Most Is the Gospel
Foster moms need many types of tools and support, but the gospel is what ultimately equips and encourages them for the challenges of serving vulnerable children.
Two Truths and a Lie about Moving
Through the uncertainties of moving, we can remind ourselves and our kids of God’s faithfulness and keep our eyes out for his good provisions wherever we are.
Little Moments, Big Calling: Parenting Teens with Hope
The teen years are an opportunity for moms not to fall back in fear, but to press forward with hope as we preach and practice the gospel in each little moment.
Hope for the Pains of Motherhood
The world’s first mother, Eve, shows us how to boldly grasp gospel hope as we feel the fall’s impact on our own motherhood.
How Do I Talk to My Kids about Singleness?
As we interact with single brothers and sisters, we can point our kids to the beauty and opportunity of their unique calling.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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