Moms + Work 03: Should I Take That Job?
How many hours can we clock each week, and still serve our families well? Should we take that job now that our kids are in school, or pull back as our families grow? Scripture hasn’t given us a one-size-fits-all answer in this area (which means Emily and Laura won’t be able to tell you either!), but we can find help for direction and discernment from God’s Word. In this episode, Emily and Laura outline a few questions to think through when considering turning the knob up or down on income-producing work, particularly if you have the privilege of choice*. To take this show even further, we’ve also created a free workbook filled with gospel-centered questions to help a mom think through their income-producing work. You can find the link to the workbook below! As we navigate these decisions, we can trust that the Lord is our Counselor and Comforter in every season.
*We know not all moms are afforded choice in this area and it's an enormous gift to have options in work. If you are in a season where you long for a change in how you spend your days, please know we've prayed for you, asking God to give you strength to trust him in every season.
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As a part of our Moms + Work series, we’ve created a new workbook to help moms process through their income-producing endeavors. If you are currently considering changes to your income-producing work—whether that’s taking a job for the first time as your family enters a new season, scaling back because you’ve added another child, or debating whether or not to go back to work after your first baby, this workbook is for you. Filled with questions to help you consider logistics and practical execution, as well as take you deeper with heart motivations and desires, this workbook can be done alone or with your spouse.
We understand that the decision to pursue income-producing work is different for all moms, each with a unique set of circumstances. No matter your season, we pray this workbook is of service to you. This will correspond with Episode 3 of the Moms + Work mini-series, but can be done at any time.
R|M Apply Questions:
What Does God’s Word Say?
*If you’re having trouble answering any of these questions, we recommend checking out the first three chapters of the Risen Motherhood book, which include Scripture references specific to these topics.
...about your calling as a follower of Christ?
Describe a few high-level truths about the aim of your life as a Christian woman. Summarize “God’s will” for your life in a general way.
...about the purpose of motherhood?
Describe a few high-level truths about the aim of your role as a mother. Summarize some important purposes of mothering according to Scripture.
...about work?
Describe the purpose of work and how that plays out in a few different areas of life (e.g., in the home, in ministry, in the marketplace).
Based on your answers above, how do you think these three things—your calling as a Christian, your role as a mom, and the purpose of work in general—all fit together?
In suggesting ideas, think beyond what feels most comfortable, what your own parents did, what your friends do, or what sounds good to you—truly apply yourself to finding the principles in Scripture. Fit this into the context of your calling as a believer on mission for the kingdom. How does committing to Christ and being part of the church impact your view of motherhood and work?
What’s Your Family Makeup and Vision?
What is your and your husband’s vision for your family?
What kind of family culture do you want to foster?
What values do you and your husband have, either in general or unique to your family?
What do you hope your children look back on and remember from their childhood?
What are some of your life dreams/desires?
How well do you and your husband align in your vision for work and life?
What do you want day-to-day life to be like in your family?
How do you practically plan to divide and execute household responsibilities between family members?
What Are the Individual Needs of Your Children and Extended Family?
What are your children’s unique needs, and how do those impact your daily life? (e.g., foster care or adoption history, medical fragility, therapy, special caregiving, tutoring, dietary considerations)
How do you want your kids to spend their days? Who will care for them and what requirements or standards do you and your husband have for that person(s)?
How are your kids responding to your current childcare arrangement? How might this impact your plans going forward?
Do you have aging parents or family members who need your support or special care/attention? What other people are you responsible to care for, and how does that impact your time/capacity?
What’s Your “Why”?
How do your family’s financial needs impact your work and the amount of income you need to bring in?
If income-producing work is optional, why do you desire to take on a new opportunity?
How does this opportunity fit your gifts and serve others?
If you have the luxury of choice, do you want the actual job?
What Is Your Capacity and Your Personal Needs?
Define what it looks like to care for your family faithfully. (Refer to section one about God’s Word and section two about family vision.) How will this opportunity impact your ability to live that out?
How does it impact your capacity to serve the local church?
How does it impact your capacity to serve in your community?
Do you have any special healthcare needs or considerations (like chronic pain or frequent therapy/doctor visits) that would impact your ability to work and care for your family?
How do you think this opportunity will impact your mental health and your management of that going forward, either positively or negatively?
Is this opportunity or schedule sustainable for you and your family for a long period of time? If not, when and how will you adjust down the road?
How Will You Work Out the Logistics?
What support systems surround you and your family? How might you need to engage them?
What are you willing/able to outsource or get help with? Who will you enlist to help with those things and will it be voluntary or paid help?
Think through drop-off, pick-up, special appointments, holidays, unexpected sickness, travel, etc. How are you and your husband planning to handle those things?
Consider the How:
What is the actual cost to your family? (Consider not just the actual hours worked but the mental/emotional toll and costs of special start-up equipment, clothing, child care, household support, etc.)
How can you involve your children in your work?
How will you connect this job to your kingdom mission and your faith?
Can you execute this job faithfully and ethically according to God’s commands?
Can you do this job with joy and contentment (even if it’s hard at times or not exactly what you wanted), or are you taking it out of compulsion, guilt, pressure, or flattery?
How can you be intentional about evangelism in this role?
Create a future strategy for processing feelings of guilt or second-guessing.
Schedule a time in the future to discuss how it’s going and re-evaluate as necessary.
Bring in mentors, good friends, a pastor, etc. to help you process along the way as questions and challenges arise.
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