Grief 09: The Hope of Heaven—An Interview with Courtney Doctor
When we experience deep sorrow, many of us long for heaven more than ever. The desire for a joy-filled eternity with God is a good one, wired in us by our Creator. But have you ever wondered what makes heaven such a source of hope for believers today? In this episode, Emily and Laura sit down with author and Bible teacher Courtney Doctor to look at what Scripture says about heaven. Throughout the Grief series, we’ve heard stories of suffering and pain, but the thread of hope woven throughout them all is the promise that one day God will wipe away every tear for those who are found in Christ (Rev. 21:4). As Christian moms, when we ponder what his Word has to say about heaven, we can better run our race here on earth. Never-ending joy truly awaits those in Christ.
Courtney Doctor received an MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary and currently serves as the Coordinator for Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition. She is a Bible teacher and author of several Bible studies including From Garden to Glory and In View of God’s Mercies: The Gift of the Gospel in Romans. Courtney and her husband Craig have four children and five beautiful grandchildren.
Mentioned on the Show:
From Garden to Glory by Courtney Doctor
In View of God’s Mercies by Courtney Doctor
Grab your FREE Download: Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy: Liturgies for Grieving Moms
The Risen Motherhood Guided Journal releases May 2, 2023! Pre-order here!
Revelation 21, Revelation 22
Luke 23:42
Philippians 1:21
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17
Revelation 21:1-5, Revelation 21:22-25
Revelation 22:1-2, Revelation 22:4
John 14:1-4
Heaven: A Comprehensive Guide to Everything the Bible Says About Our Eternal Home by Randy Alcorn
Always Longing: Discovering the Joy of Heaven by Stephen R. Morefield
1 Peter 1:13
1 Thessalonians 4:18
Luke 22:42
James 4:14
Romans 8:18
Related Resources from R|M:
A Longing for Home: A Longing for Him by Monica Geyen
Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy:
Liturgies for Grieving Moms
We’ve partnered with our friends at Every Moment Holy to create an exclusive download filled with liturgies for different types of grief we experience as moms. This download is completely free when you sign up for the Risen Motherhood email list—fill out the form below to get this free download straight to your inbox!
R|M Apply Questions:
What perceptions did you have about heaven prior to listening to the show? Did the descriptions Courtney outlined from Scripture clarify or challenge any of these?
Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. As we grieve the loss of life in this world, how does the image Paul gives in these verses encourage you to grieve with hope?
Have you ever struggled to balance the call to live faithfully here on earth with your longing for heaven? Spend some time in prayer that the Lord will give you the eyes to see how you can honor and obey him today, in whatever circumstance he has placed before you.
Courtney encourages us that as we set our eyes on the hope of heaven, we can’t think about what we don’t know. Spend some time walking through some of the passages below that give us a picture of heaven (Psst! Want to go a level deeper? Try using The Abide Method as you study!):
Revelation 21-22
John 14:1-4
1 Peter 1:13-15
Romans 8:18-25
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