Many of us are familiar with the pangs of grief, both big and small. When tragedy strikes, a diagnosis revealed, a life lost, and our worst fears come to light, we feel the deep ache that this world is not our home. Whether you’re in the thick of a season of grief or are continuing to heal from deep loss, we want to be the megaphone for this truth:
God meets you in your sorrow.
In this series, Emily and Laura are sitting down with friends to discuss the topic of grief. From speaking with a counselor on how we walk through grief to hearing the voices of moms who have experienced tragedies such as miscarriage, infant loss, the loss of a spouse, chronic pain, and more—our prayer for this series is that you will feel the Lord’s presence and the hope of the gospel, even when the days are dark and hope feels impossible to find.
“My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to your word!”
- Psalm 119:28
*While this series is meant to be an encouragement to you in times of grief, we know that a podcast episode can’t speak to the specific details and struggles of your day-to-day life. If you’re walking through a season of deep grief, please reach out to a trusted friend, mentor, counselor, and/or medical professional that can speak into your specific circumstances. This series is not meant to give personal advice or be a substitute for professional help.

Risen Motherhood x Every Moment Holy:
Liturgies for Grieving Moms
No matter what type of grief we’re experiencing, the Lord hears us when we cry out to him. That’s why we’ve partnered with our friends at Every Moment Holy to create an exclusive download filled with liturgies for different types of grief we experience as moms: when we’re crying and we don’t know why or our dreams don’t come to fruition like we thought they might; when we look at the world and feel hopeless as we see widespread suffering—you’ll find prayers for these topics and more as we navigate life and motherhood in a fallen world.
This download is completely free when you sign up for the Risen Motherhood email list—fill out the form below to get this free download straight to your inbox!
R|M Episodes | Grief
Grief Playlist
As part of the Grief Series, our R|M team and series interview guests partnered together to curate a playlist filled with songs that have brought us hope and encouragement in the midst of grief. We hope that no matter your season, these songs remind you of truth and draw you to Christ as you listen in. Start streaming at the link below!

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We believe a sponsor-free podcast helps us serve moms in the best way possible. But we need your help! We have a goal for 100 new monthly partners to join us by giving $30 / month—click the button below to join us today!
Related Articles and Resource List
Below is a collection of resources to meet you in the hardships of grief. You can find related topical resources in each episode’s show notes above!
Books & Resources
R|M Articles
When sadness begins to lead us away from the safety and goodness of God’s presence instead of to it, that can be a red flag pointing us to seek deeper help.
When we feel the inadequacy of being the only one raising our kids, we cling to the only One strong enough to supply our needs—our faithful heavenly Father.
God’s gifts of grace are often hidden in the most unexpected places—even amidst our suffering and sorrows.
Jesus can use the darkness of grief—even the loss of a precious child—to reveal deeper depths of his character and love for us.
When birth stories don’t go according to plan, we can look ahead in hope to Christ, our true Deliverer—who will one day free us from all effects of the curse.
Through all the stages of grieving a child’s diagnosis, we can lean into God’s love and look for the evidences of his faithful care.
In the pain and uncertainty of pregnancy loss, lament can be a means of worship, drawing us close to the Father of mercies.
Remembering God’s perfect design and care for our children and us—from the womb—comforts our hearts even as we lament a hard diagnosis.
Through the unseen struggles of chronic illness, we can take heart that Jesus sees us in our weakness—just as he did the bleeding woman in Scripture.
As God calls us to shed our self-reliance in life and motherhood—depending daily on his grace instead—we can look ahead with hope to his greater purposes for us.
Grief is a learned process, but we can trust the Savior who knows our sorrows and lean into the stabilizing rhythms of rest and refreshment he gives.
Jesus both understands the deep pain of human suffering and has triumphed over it as divine King over all, so we can entrust our children’s hurts to him.
Imprinting our children’s hearts with rich songs and hymns of the faith is one way we can help prepare them for inevitable trials ahead.
When the shame of a past abortion confronts us anew, we find a sure hope and comfort in the blood of Jesus.
Delighting in God’s good gifts even in suffering doesn’t negate our pain—it helps sustain and guide us through it.
One of the greatest comforts we can offer a suffering friend is coming alongside her to lament and point her heart to Christ.
We may feel unprepared for the unexpected journeys of motherhood, but we can trust that God gives us everything that we need.
When we’re craving comfort as moms, God pours it out on us abundantly through his people, his Word, and his very nature.
We can point our kids to God’s comforting promises, even when we don’t have all the answers.
God doesn’t always show us why he allows specific situations and suffering, but he does show us why we can trust him.
God offers us healing from our painful pasts not only so we can grow as mothers and be a blessing to our children, but because he delights to make us—his children—whole.
God gives us stories of his faithfulness to strengthen our faith and sustain us in hard times.
As moms, we can’t keep our children from suffering, but we can help shape their response to it.
Sorrow can become a precious opportunity to point our children back to our Savior—the Man of Sorrows who makes broken things new.
R|M Podcast Episodes
The daily hardships of motherhood weigh on us—difficult decisions, potty training, sleeplessness, and more. But sometimes we experience deeper, more profound suffering that makes us cry out, “Why God?” In this episode, Emily and Laura offer gospel encouragement for those in the midst of deep suffering. Suffering is different for everyone, but scripture offers unshakeable hope in every situation. Since God didn’t excuse himself from suffering, one day—through Christ—our suffering will give way to joy.
Read alouds aren’t just for our little ones. We can find great encouragement and joy in having the word of God read over us and explained. So in this special episode, Emily and Laura invite John Piper to read and reflect on what he considers to be the greatest chapter in the Bible, Romans 8. As he walks us through this incredible passage, John Piper connects its themes of suffering and loss to motherhood, encouraging us that no matter how deep the waters of our suffering, God’s unshakeable love is deeper still.
“Mommy, what happens when someone dies?” When our kids ask us about death, answering can feel intimidating and even sad. How much should we share? What can they understand? Will we scare them? In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Tim Challies about how to talk to our kids about death. Tim is a husband, father of teenagers, pastor, and writer who encourages us to bring the conversation about death back to our children’s hearts and the hope they have in Jesus. We don’t need to worry so much about what to say to our kids. God gave us what we need in his word to teach our kids the victory of the gospel in the face of death.
We experience daily hardships in motherhood that weigh on us—difficult decisions, potty training, sleeplessness, and more. But sometimes we experience deeper, more profound suffering that makes us cry out, “Why God?” In this episode, Emily and Laura offer gospel encouragement for those in the midst of deep suffering. Suffering is different for everyone, but scripture offers unshakeable hope in every situation. Since God didn’t excuse himself from suffering, one day—through Christ—our suffering will give way to joy.
Tired, overwhelmed, hurting, and lonely. Every mom struggles in different ways, but there are some moms whose experiences make them vulnerable in society. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how the gospel changes us at the heart level so we can see and serve others with humility. Our challenges are different, but our common dependence on Christ encourages us as we love the vulnerable women in our communities.

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