Ep. 32 || Gloria Furman: Missional Motherhood
Gloria Furman explains that there are two ways to look at motherhood: through a microscope lens at the daily issues and pressing needs of little children, or from up high; using a telescope to look at the big picture. In this special interview, Gloria explains how we can take the long view, seeing motherhood as not just a helpful social construct, but authored by God for specific purposes. You'll be encouraged as she talks about everything from theology and redemption to lattes and quiet times. If you're wondering how the gospel impacts you in your most difficult moments in motherhood, tune in for some powerful words of truth!
Other Articles, Videos & Resources:
Missional Motherhood: A 6-Week Bible Study (promo video)
God's Design for Motherhood - Revive Our Hearts Video Interview With Erin Davis
What God Says About Motherhood | Missional Motherhood (video)
Are You My Mother? | Review of Missional Motherhood by Courtney Reissig
The Remedy for Our Helicopter Parenting - Gloria Furman
Mama's Hands Are Full - Review / Interview by Christina Fox
Mother of the Year? Not Here. - Gloria Furman
Glimpses of Grace: Treasuring the Gospel in Your Home Review by Courtney Reissig
A Mother's Greatest Enemy - Gloria Furman
Treasuring God With One Finger in the Cookie Dough - Gloria Furman
Missional Motherhood - DG Article, Gloria Furman
Mom Enough - Collaborative Book
What is Your Top Priority? - Revive Our Hearts Interview
Interview with Gloria Furman: Dwelling Richly - Brown Sugar Toast
The Book Depository (mentioned on the show)
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