Social Media
Social media has changed motherhood for the better. It compares formulas so we know which one we want to buy for the baby. It gives suggestions for how to counsel our kids when they struggle to make friends in school. It serves up a one-dish-wonder recipe to toss in the Instapot when weeknights are busy with activities. It helps us know what’s going on in our communities so we can find activities for the weekend.
It’s made our mom-life easier. Smarter. Efficient. Productive. Resourceful.
Social media has changed motherhood for the worse. It fosters discontent when it shows us a picture of a pristine home. It induces guilt when we realize we’ve been using the wrong pacifier. It stirs up envy when we see another mom get the career achievement we wanted. It produces anger when we see injustices or carelessness about causes important to us, and it brings on anxiety about things we never realized existed. It gives us an endless scroll of “perfect” moms when we feel anything but.
It’s made our mom-life harder. More exhausting. Overwhelming. Anxious. Stressful. Complicated.
As moms, social media has the opportunity to serve our mission or to sabotage our faithfulness. So what are we to do? We have to take control of social media, before it takes even more control of us.
We have to wake up.

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Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook
As a part of our Social Media mini-series, we’re digging deep into the impact of social media—on our brains, bodies, and hearts. In light of this, we’ve created “Wake Up! A Social Media Workbook.” This podcast companion helps you take Laura and Emily’s conversations further and apply them to your own life. In the workbook, you’ll find Scripture, questions, and a prayer relating to each episode. We encourage you to follow along week by week, completing the questions for each topic after the corresponding episode’s release.
Because the discussions surrounding social media are so nuanced and individual, we highly suggest gathering a group of IRL friends to discuss the content in this workbook and swap ideas, observations, and encouragement.
At Risen Motherhood, we believe the way we each individually engage in social media is a matter of personal conscience. Yet God’s Word has not left us alone as we navigate motherhood in a digital age. Let’s wake up together and see how the tool of social media can serve our mission as moms.

R|M Episodes on Social Media

Related Articles and Resource List
We've rounded up a collection of thought-provoking and encouraging books and articles from Risen Motherhood on social media and related topics. While we think they're helpful, the R|M team does not necessarily agree with or endorse every opinion. Our hope is that they spark good conversation with people around you and prompt you to think through social media in your own life.
Books + Resources
R|M Articles + Podcast Episodes
While social media can give us many great tips and examples for motherhood, it’s important to recognize its limitations and continue pursuing true, face-to-face community.
When we’re weary as moms and our guard is down, it’s easy to seek “rest” in places other than the Living God—the only One who can truly refresh our souls.
In a sea of messages about what we should be and say and do as moms, we desperately need gospel encouragement to “keep interrupting” and redirect our focus back to Christ.
Is social media a tool or a temptation—or both? As we regularly check our hearts and embrace accountability, we can be better equipped to steward it for God’s glory.
As we help our kids navigate an increasingly digital world, we can point them to God’s truth as their ultimate measure of reality.
Fixing our eyes on Christ and his perfection frees us from the burden of our own imperfections and failures as moms.
When our questions and fears surrounding our kids’ use of social media overwhelm us, these five gospel principles can help provide peace and direction.
When we’re struggling to steward social media well, God’s Word helps us examine and redirect our habits, motivations, and influences.
Sometimes our kids can be the flashlight God uses to shine truth into our lives.
Just as a balanced diet of food promotes physical health, a balanced diet of information encourages spiritual health for busy moms and their families.
Podcast Episodes
Being a mom can feel isolating. Our children may be our constant companions, but we often long to interact with other adults, and social media can be a fun and easy way to connect. But with statistics showing that the average person spends 2.5 hours a day on social media, we’re wise to consider how it affects our ability to live out the calling of motherhood. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss how social media is designed to draw us in and how it might influence our hearts and actions more than we may realize. They offer practical boundaries for social media use and encourage us to consider whether that use of time is beneficial to our growth in Christ. It’s important for Christians to be present on social media, but we don’t want our presence there to come at the cost of loving God and others.
Most of us have our favorite “experts” or “gurus”—the voices we turn to for tips, tricks, and how-tos. We love the ability to learn something quickly by scrolling through our social media feeds. But should Christians solely depend on the “experts” of our culture to learn how to live a faithful life? In this episode, Emily and Laura examine why we like our gurus so much. While they are often be helpful, we’re called to unconditionally follow only one expert: Jesus. In Christ, God gives us the Holy Spirit to teach and train us in wisdom according to God’s word. We can still enjoy the gurus, but we know the source of all wisdom is God alone.
Everything seems pressing in the early years of motherhood. The baby’s diaper, the promised game of tag, and the dirty upstairs bathroom repeatedly demand our attention. It can be easy to feel bogged down by the everyday and lose sight of the bigger picture. In this episode, Emily and Laura interview Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth about building habits of faithfulness in every season of life. Nancy has impacted millions of women worldwide through her ministries, Revive Our Hearts and the True Woman movement. She’s a prolific writer, speaker, radio host; and she’s wife to Robert. It may be hard to see past the early years of motherhood in the moment, but when we’re 40, 50, or 60 years old, we’ll see the spiritual impact of the daily choices we make right now. If we want to breathe the gospel in and out, we need a steady habit of seeking God through his word.
Screen time can be a hot topic. We wonder, “Is there a formula for the right amount of TV time?” “Is 30 minutes or 45 minutes holier?” “Do you think my kids will be quiet if I put on a show and hide in the kitchen?” But what we need to ask is, “What’s going on in my heart?” In this episode, Emily and Laura share gospel hope for two issues in many moms’ hearts: guilt and fear. Whether you’ve used screen time to avoid the craziness of the day or created a system of rules to guarantee a particular outcome, the gospel meets you there with wisdom and hope.
Scroll through Pinterest or eavesdrop in a coffee shop and you might see or hear something along the lines of, “All I need is a whole lotta of Jesus and a little bit of coffee/tacos/Netflix/sleep.” While it’s usually said in jest, we all have little crutches that we rely on when we feel like we’re survival mode. In this episode, Laura and Emily talk about the potential crutches in motherhood like wine, shopping, or social media. While they may make us feel a little good for a little while, only Christ is the source of our greatest joy for the longest time. So momma, let’s go back to the cross and fix our eyes on the only one able to sustain, encourage, grow, and help us in every situation – Jesus.
As moms, we have a lot of demands on our time. The world tells us we should "do it all", not leaving room for weakness or balance. In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss the biblical vision for motherhood, sharing areas of their own lives where they've needed to wave the white flag and find extra support. If you're feeling pressed for time and overwhelmed, listen in for encouragement and practical ideas for organizing your priorities.
Momma, do you regularly feel burdened by what you see on social media? If so, this episode is for you. As we let our news feeds take over our time and our hearts, we can sink into despair or be puffed up with pride. Emily and Laura discuss the major pitfalls of social media and comparison, how we can speak truth to ourselves in the midst of it, and how to use our favorite apps redemptively.
Moms hear a lot of messages when they scroll through their news feeds; "You are doing enough. If you just love your kids, you're doing a good job. It's okay to be falling apart, we all are." While those messages might offer some temporary help, are they the whole truth? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss what it looks like to give moms an injection of lasting hope and how to discern messages that are contrary to the gospel. Moms need more than just sips from the water-bucket of mom culture, they need help and encouragement from the eternal, life-giving well of Jesus.