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A Letter for Moms with Spiritually Absent Husbands
No matter the spiritual maturity of our husband, we can faithfully pursue being with God’s people, soaking in the Word, discipling our children, and learning to love our husband well.
Through the Eye of the Needle: Parenting by Faith When Your Husband’s an Unbeliever
Discipling our kids alongside an unbelieving spouse can feel like an uphill battle, but we can rest in Christ’s power to save and the grace he gives to stay faithful in our pursuit of him.
4 Ways to Care for Moms with Unbelieving Husbands
We can help shoulder the burdens of sisters married to unbelieving husbands by coming alongside to pray, befriend, disciple, and love.
How Do I Talk to My Kids About Divorce?
Our kids will likely ask about divorce, and when they do, we can offer them hope-filled assurance—though people may undo God’s good design, he is always faithful and never breaks his promises.
Wife and Momma, Be Angry and Do Not Sin
Evil should make us angry—but not every occasion demands a display of anger.
Married, but Lonely
No matter how wonderful our marriage may be, our deepest need for connection can only be satisfied in the Lord.
Making Big Decisions Together
God is gracious to use both the good and challenging aspects of decision-making to help us grow in relationship with him and one another.
A Husband’s Perspective on a Postpartum Body
While a wife may assume that her body is less attractive to her husband after having children, this husband explains why the postpartum body is something to be treasured.
The Gospel Frees Us from Shame: Embracing Sexual Intimacy with a Postpartum Body
We may not be able to change some aspects of our postpartum bodies, but the gospel can change how we think about them and help us embrace intimacy with our husbands.
Editor’s Note: This article addresses struggles and tensions that can arise, even in otherwise "healthy" marriages. Its encouragements are best read with discernment and consideration of your unique situation. If abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) or other illegal or illicit behavior is occurring in your marriage, please tell someone and reach out for counsel and/or professional intervention.
The Gospel and Our Marriages
It doesn’t take long for us to realize that our fairytale visions of marriage are just that—a fairytale. In real life, marriage tends to be much harder than we imagined. But it can also be much richer. Here’s good news for real marriages.
Remembering My Passion for My Husband
Our marriages are small glimpses of the love of Christ for his Church. His sacrificial and joyful expression of love should move us towards our spouses with renewed delight.
When Physical Intimacy is Hard
Because we’re all broken by sin, we experience some level of sexual brokenness. But in your marriage relationship, God can provide progressive freedom from condemnation and shame in Christ.
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