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A Letter for Moms with Spiritually Absent Husbands
No matter the spiritual maturity of our husband, we can faithfully pursue being with God’s people, soaking in the Word, discipling our children, and learning to love our husband well.
Through the Eye of the Needle: Parenting by Faith When Your Husband’s an Unbeliever
Discipling our kids alongside an unbelieving spouse can feel like an uphill battle, but we can rest in Christ’s power to save and the grace he gives to stay faithful in our pursuit of him.
Loving My Husband’s Mother
So far as it depends on us, we can seek to live in loving harmony with our mother-in-law, following the example of Ruth and Naomi.
Chasing Delight in the Middle of Suffering
Delighting in God’s good gifts even in suffering doesn’t negate our pain—it helps sustain and guide us through it.
4 Ways to Care for Moms with Unbelieving Husbands
We can help shoulder the burdens of sisters married to unbelieving husbands by coming alongside to pray, befriend, disciple, and love.
Mommy Guilt: The Robber of Joy
Comparing ourselves to other moms can lead to false guilt, but the truth of God’s word brings freedom and joy.
Wife and Momma, Be Angry and Do Not Sin
Evil should make us angry—but not every occasion demands a display of anger.
Married, but Lonely
No matter how wonderful our marriage may be, our deepest need for connection can only be satisfied in the Lord.
Making Big Decisions Together
God is gracious to use both the good and challenging aspects of decision-making to help us grow in relationship with him and one another.
Spring 2020 AUA FAQs
The RM Team loves seeing questions roll in when we’re prepping for an “Ask Us Anything” podcast episode with Emily and Laura. Unfortunately, we can’t answer every question submitted to us—there’s not enough time. However, we have a treasure trove of resources and information in our show archives, article archives, and old show notes that have already answered some of the questions we receive. If you didn’t hear Emily and Laura answer your question on this most recent AUA show, check below. We’ve rounded up a collection of links from previous RM content (plus a few other sources) to help answer some of the most asked questions we received.
A Husband’s Perspective on a Postpartum Body
While a wife may assume that her body is less attractive to her husband after having children, this husband explains why the postpartum body is something to be treasured.
Fall 2019 AUA FAQs
The RM Team loves seeing questions roll in when we’re prepping for an “Ask Us Anything” podcast episode with Emily and Laura. Unfortunately, we can’t answer every question submitted to us—there’s not enough time. However, we have a treasure trove of resources and information in our show archives, article archives, and old show notes that have already answered some of the questions we receive. If you didn’t hear Emily and Laura answer your question on this most recent AUA show, check below. We’ve rounded up a collection links from previous RM content (plus a few other sources) to help answer some of the most asked question we received.
Where to Next?
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