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A Letter for the High School Years
Through the ever-changing high school years, we can model to our teens a faith that is imperfect, yet dependent on a perfect Savior.
A Letter for the Middle School Years
In the turning point of the middle school years, we can bring all our fears to the Lord and prayerfully depend on him in new and deeper ways.
A Letter for the Elementary Years
Through the elementary years—“the time between”—we can learn to trust God for future fruit in our kids’ lives as we faithfully endure the mundane.
A Letter for the Little Years
In the exhaustion of the little years, we can learn alongside our children how to play and delight in God’s world and how to rest.
The Praying Mom: Acknowledging We’re Not in Control
Prayer is God’s means of reminding tired, overwhelmed moms that we aren’t ultimately in control of our lives or our kids—but we can depend on him.
Re-Telling Nightmares in Light of Redemption
When we or our kids face nightmares in the dark, we can remember the gospel by turning these scary stories into glorious tales of triumph.
All the Things I Wouldn't Know: God's Sanctifying Work through Unexpected Illness
God uses the things we never wanted or saw coming—like long seasons of sickness with our kids—to powerfully show us his love and grow our dependence on him.
Amy Carmichael: Compelled to Serve by the Love of Jesus
A mom to many, Amy Carmichael exemplified trust in Scripture’s sufficiency and a commitment to ordinary obedience—values we can apply today to our own motherhood.
Remember the Lord: 3 Ways to Rehearse God’s Faithfulness
We can use a myriad of tangible objects, experiences, and family rhythms to pass along to our kids the stories of God’s work in our lives—even from before they were born.
No Boast but Christ: Walking through Postpartum Anxiety
When postpartum anxiety reminds us of our inability to boast in ourselves, we can lean into the Savior whose “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).
Care and Control: Teenage Edition
When we wrestle with our deep care and desire to control outcomes for our older kids, we can put our hope in God—the Care-full Controller of all things.
The Ultimate Home-Maker: 3 Ways God Transforms Our Understanding of Home
God’s story of dwelling with his people transforms both how we experience and express “home” in the here and now.
Where to Next?
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You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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