What We’re Still Talking About 10: Technology
Screens are everywhere—from ordering groceries, responding to an email from school, managing our calendars, and more, it’s no surprise that our kids are interested in screens and technology. As faithful stewards of our children’s hearts and minds, what does it mean to navigate screen time, devices, content, and media engagement in today’s culture? In this episode, Emily and Laura revisit the topic of technology through the lens of discipling our children as they grow in curiosity and independence. While the Bible doesn’t directly address tablets and smartphones, we can trust that as we seek the Lord in wisdom, he will give us wisdom to disciple our children well in a digital age.
Mentioned on the Show:
Find Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) at Barnes & Noble or anywhere books are sold!
Ep. 117 || “Mommy, Can I Watch a Show?”: Screen Time & the Gospel
The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens, 2021
Ep. 46 || Intentional Motherhood: Communicating Your Family's Mission
Good Pictures Bad Pictures Jr.: A Simple Plan to Protect Young Minds by Kristen Jenson
Good Pictures Bad Pictures: Porn-Proofing Today's Young Kids by Kristen Jenson
Discipleship Square:
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Risen Motherhood Deluxe
Looking for a step-by-step guide on how to apply the gospel to the everyday moments of motherhood? Risen Motherhood (Deluxe Edition) Available Now!
With more than 100,000 copies sold, the Risen Motherhood book is going Deluxe! This heirloom-quality edition includes a new introduction and extra chapters from authors and co-founders Emily Jensen and Laura Wifler. The new chapters explore how the gospel impacts a mom’s fears, her work at home, and her income-producing work. This special edition will give you or a loved one a stunning keepsake that brings beauty and hope to a mom’s everyday moments.
This mini-series is brought to you by our generous donors.
R|M Apply Questions:
What’s your motivation for allowing or not allowing screen time in your home? Spend some time examining your heart motives: though they are complex and ever-changing, are you mostly driven by fear, exhaustion, concern, a desire to disciple, etc.?
Consider some of the long-term goals you have for your family. (If you’re married, this is an important conversation to have with your spouse!) How does technology use fit into your family’s vision and goals?
How can you engage with technology in a way that considers your family’s vision, your child’s developmental stage and personality, while also equipping your child for the future? What skills do you want them to have before they are out on their own? (Psst! This is a great place to reference the discipleship square above if you find it helpful!)
Emily and Laura mentioned how encouraging it’s been to have peers who are making similar technology decisions for their families. Consider your own community—do you have mom friends or women in your church that can encourage, counsel, and share gospel-centered best practices with you as you navigate screen time in your family?
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