Ep. 40 || To-Do Lists & How-Tos: Finding Practical Help in Motherhood
Have you ever felt unequipped for the practical responsibilities of motherhood? You're not alone! Most moms have feelings of confusion and insecurity when it comes to handling the in's and out's of diapering, discipline, and domestic management. In this scenario, most of us will be tempted to avoid the uncomfortable, place blame on our personalities, or put our hope in a "silver bullet" strategy for motherhood. Is there another way? In this episode, Emily and Laura discuss their own insecurities coming into motherhood, and the ways they've grown as moms despite those challenges. Regardless of how well you were equipped for motherhood, God still calls you to trust Jesus and nurture the lives of those around you with joy and effectiveness.
Articles & Other Resources:
We've already started to compile a list of our favorite practical tips and ideas!
Have you visited our Risen Motherhood resources page?
Motherhood 101: The Class We Never Got - Jess Connell
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