Ep. 161 || Work and Motherhood: Finding God’s Faithfulness
All moms have important work to do—work in the home, the community, and the church. But income-producing work can bring unique challenges. So, in this episode, Emily and Laura invite four women to share about what they’ve learned as they balance work and motherhood, seeking to honor God and serve faithfully in every sphere of life. No matter what kinds of work we do, we can reflect the image of God who is always at work in the world and in our lives.
Ladies on this Show:
[3:40] Courtney Reissig is a writer and bible teacher living in Little Rock, Arkansas. She is the proud mom of four sons, happy wife to Daniel, and author of three books: The Accidental Feminist, Glory in the Ordinary, and Teach Me to Feel: Worshiping Through the Psalms in Every Season of Life (released January 1, 2020). They are members of Immanuel Baptist Church. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram (@courtneyreissig).
[7:02] Jen Pollock Michel is the award-winning author of Teach Us to Want, Keeping Place, and Surprised by Paradox. Jen writes widely for print and digital publications and travels to speak at churches, conferences, and retreats. She holds a B.A. in French from Wheaton College and an M.A. in Literature from Northwestern University. She is married to Ryan, and they have five children. Their family attends Grace Toronto Church. You can follow Jen on Twitter @jenpmichel and also subscribe to her monthly newsletter at jenpollockmichel.com.
[10:14] Kim Cash Tate is an author, Bible teacher, speaker, and singer/songwriter. She has written several books, including Cling: Choosing a Lifestyle of Intimacy with God and her fictional Promises of God series. She has also created and written a scripted web series called “Cling, The Series,” in which she played a leading role. Kim has an active YouTube channel and has been featured on national television and radio. She and her husband Bill have two young adult children and reside in St. Louis, Missouri. Kim can be found online at http://www.kimcashtate.com and on social media platforms @kimcashtate.
[13:29] Macy English is the Owner & Principal Consultant of English Media, where she helps businesses with all things sales & marketing. She is a lover of people, culture, marketing, and health, and she strives for all that matters in life. Macy and her husband, JT, have two kids and love to travel. You can connect with her on Twitter or Instagram.
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Related R|M Resources:
Ep. 83, Nikki Daniels: Finding Freedom in Christ as a Working Mom
Ep. 73, Ruth Chou Simons: Faithfulness & Work in the Season of Young Children
Ep. 48, Gretchen Saffles: Looking to Christ in Work & Motherhood
Ep. 138, Motherhood Through Burnout: Stewardship & Sacrifice
“Dishes and Desk Work: All Moms Work for the Glory of God” Autumn Kern
“What Does it Mean for a Mom to Have Freedom in Christ?” Nana Dolce
“How One Working Mom Prioritizes Time in the Word: An Interview” Laura Hardin
Around the web:
We’re grateful to Crossway for making this week’s show possible. Check out Saints and Scoundrels in the Story of Jesus by Nancy Guthrie and get 40% off with a free Crossway+ membership. Offer valid through May 14, 2020.
R|M Apply Questions:
What are some of the blessings and challenges of work for you? How does thinking of God as the first worker who created us to work as his image bearers infuse meaning into your work?
In the garden, the serpent tempted Eve with the lie that if she ate the fruit she could be like God, and all of humanity since has struggled with the lie that we can be it all and do it all. How do you experience the tension of this lie in trying to balance work and motherhood? How does the truth of the gospel give you freedom from trying to do it all and be it all?
Jen Pollock Michel talked about the life of a working mom being a “both/and” life instead of an “either/or” life, and she encouraged us that it’s an opportunity to walk by faith. How has living this “both/and” life showed you your limits and lack of control? What might it look like for you to lean in to the “both/and” life God has given you, practicing dependence on him and walking by faith?
Macy English encouraged us to “tend our garden”—to remember that God has given us a specific task, a specific plot of land to steward that isn’t the same as anyone else’s. What’s the unique plot of land God has given you? How does comparing your plot to other people’s lead to discouragement and discontent? What might it look like to faithfully steward your plot?
God is limitless, but we are not, so he has given us boundaries for our good. Prayerfully consider, what are some boundaries you might need to establish or honor to have a healthy relationship between work and motherhood? What might it look like for you to engage motherhood with a glad heart and trust the Lord to provide grace and time for your work?
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