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8 Ways to Spiritually Thrive in the Newborn Season
There are many ways we can cultivate our relationship with the Lord, even when we’re short on time and sleep.
Two Truths & a Lie about Hormones
Our hormones are tools in God’s hands for our good and his glory.
With God, Nothing is Wasted
Whether we work inside or outside of the home, we trade the worth that we find in our work for the worth of the finished work of Jesus.
God’s Care for Postpartum Moms
In an exhausting season when we give so much to care for our little ones, we have this hope and comfort—our Gentle Shepherd is leading us and carrying us close to his heart.
Postpartum Bodies and the Mom Who Battles Chronic Illness
While battling chronic illness can make it challenging to care for those who depend on us, we can depend on our Father whose strength is made perfect in weakness.
The Local Church Is Your Family—and This Changes Everything
As moms we spend a lot of time caring for our nuclear families, but what a blessing that we’re part of a much larger spiritual family! In the church, we get to love and be loved by our brothers and sisters in Christ.
A Husband’s Perspective on a Postpartum Body
While a wife may assume that her body is less attractive to her husband after having children, this husband explains why the postpartum body is something to be treasured.
Hope When The Heaviness Will Not Lift
Postpartum depression can feel like a crushing darkness with no end in sight. Here’s hope and encouragement from a mom on the other side.
The Gospel Frees Us from Shame: Embracing Sexual Intimacy with a Postpartum Body
We may not be able to change some aspects of our postpartum bodies, but the gospel can change how we think about them and help us embrace intimacy with our husbands.
Editor’s Note: This article addresses struggles and tensions that can arise, even in otherwise "healthy" marriages. Its encouragements are best read with discernment and consideration of your unique situation. If abuse (physical, emotional, or sexual) or other illegal or illicit behavior is occurring in your marriage, please tell someone and reach out for counsel and/or professional intervention.
Reflecting Glory in our Postpartum Bodies
There’s good news for our postpartum bodies—we can look to Christ, not the mirror, to see what really makes us beautiful.
Jesus, Our Anchor in Suffering
In the midst of dark storms like postpartum depression, a scary medical diagnosis, or shepherding a rebellious child, we can cling to these truths: Jesus understands us, he prays for us, and he will never fail or leave us.
When We Need the Service of Others
Our culture celebrates self-sufficiency—the belief that we don’t need anyone to make it in this life. But when we accept help, it allows others to serve God and exemplify Christ who willingly laid down his life for his friends.
Where to Next?
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