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Everyone Has a Dream: Navigating In-Law Expectations
The gospel redefines our expectations as we choose to approach our in-law relationships with prayer, believing the best, intentional listening, and a heart to serve.
Learning Contentment in Unwanted Places
When contentment in our circumstances seems impossible, we can be encouraged by Paul’s example of learning to depend on Christ and find ultimate joy in him.
How Do I Talk to My Kids about Work?
As we talk about work—from household chores to future career dreams—we can help our kids see that we were designed to image God and bring him glory in all our labors.
4 Ways to Care for Moms with Unbelieving Husbands
We can help shoulder the burdens of sisters married to unbelieving husbands by coming alongside to pray, befriend, disciple, and love.
The Gift of Time: 5 Practical Tips for New Moms
There are many demands on our time in the postpartum stage but also precious opportunities for rest, growth, thankfulness, and ministry to others.
In the Mirror: A Gospel Look at Body Image
The gospel gives us new eyes to appreciate the bodies God has given us, no matter what they look like or how they function.
Letting Go of Bitterness
When others wound us, looking to Christ’s example and remembering the gospel helps free our hearts from bitterness and resentment.
Want to Be a Patient Mom? Look to Jesus
When we struggle with impatience as moms, we turn to Christ as our perfect example of patience and hope.
Joy and Sorrow: Walking Through the Intricacies of Losing a Child
Christ’s example of grief helps us make space for both joy and sorrow to live together in our hearts, even through the devastating loss of a child.
Family On Mission: Standing Fast in Cultural Currents
Establishing a personal mission for our family can help us make God-glorifying decisions and resist the pull of an ungodly culture.
Hope for Forgetful Moms
When we’re frustrated by our own human forgetfulness, we can look in hope to the God who never forgets to show his love and faithfulness to us.
Be Still and Notice: Savoring God’s Love in a Chaotic World
In the midst of a busy, distracted world, incorporating a few simple practices in our lives can keep us grounded in God’s ever-present care for us.
Where to Next?
We podcast too
You don’t have to live with fear in motherhood.
Tune into our Fear mini-series, where we discuss the hope the gospel gives when motherhood feels scary.
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