For the New Moms
At Risen Motherhood, we believe the gospel changes everything.
Are you a first-time mom?
You’ve come to the right place!
While moms are all different, we also know that moms tend to have one thing in common—
that first baby brings up all kinds of questions for us!
Risen Motherhood started when the co-founders were in the thick of the baby years. They wanted to encourage fellow moms, even as they tried to encourage their own hearts in the trenches of new motherhood. So while we’ve broadened our scope a bit as a ministry, we’ll always have a soft spot for the little years—and we have tons of content in our archives that speaks to it. Consider this page a round up of all the things we’d chat with you about if we were able to sit across from you with coffee in hand—or with babies crawling at our feet. We hope you’ll stay a while and find familiar friends here. We truly believe the gospel changes everything.

Becoming a Mom
Pregnancy, Childbirth, & Adoption
Becoming a Mom | Pregnancy, Childbirth, & Adoption

New Momma
Raising 0-12 Month Olds
Postpartum | Marriage, Body, Transition
Raising Babies | Sleeping, Eating, Self-Care
Faith | Quiet Times

Feeling tired today, mom?
You’re not alone. Sleepless nights seem to come again and again in motherhood, so how do we endure them with the hope of the gospel in mind? That’s why we created this free download filled with encouragement from other moms who’ve endured sleepless nights themselves. As you battle heavy eyes, we hope this resource reminds you that in the darkness, we have an opportunity to see the Light.

More Resources
For the new momma looking for even more
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We know in this season of overflowing backseats, diaper bags, and sleepless nights, the last thing you need is an overflowing inbox. So we just pop in once a month to share some of our favorite gospel-centered resources and encouragement for motherhood. We talk about what’s on our bookshelves, tips to try, and things that might make you happy. It’s like the perfect coffee date with a friend but no one needs to find a babysitter.